Christmas special

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"I don't understand the point of decorating a tree or better yet a house with stuff if it's only going to be taken down a few days later," Sinclair mumbled as he put the last few ornaments on tree.
You pulled out the tray of cookies and smiled.
"It's worth it in the end," you said and looked at his work. The tree was very nice yet he hadn't topped it with the star.
You grabbed the star and connected the cable to the light cable before trying to reach the top of the tree.
"Shorty," you were lifted off the ground and placed the star on the tree before put back down.
"Thanks Sinclair," you said smiling.
He mumbled something under his breathe and you smiled wider.
"Someone's being a grinch," you said tapping his nose.
You put on your coat and snow boots before smiling at Sinclair.
"I'm going out I'll be back soon," you pulled on your hat and opened the door with welcoming arms to the cold air.
"Close the door," Sinclair grumbled and you quickly walked out, closing the door behind you.
"What would Sinclair like," you mumbled as you walked down the street.
You were heading down the Icy sidewalk to the shopping district.
A small smile tugged at your lips as you felt the challenge of trying to find Sinclair a gift.

You walked past several stores, looking through the windows and even stopping to check out items but none were right.
"Damnit this is harder than I thought," just then you saw a store full of antiques.
You walked in and it smelt amazing.
"There's definitely something in here I can feel it," you walked around the store and found a small music box. You wound up the crank and listened to the soft melody. Towards the end something popped and the music box revealed something inside.
"Two necklaces," you mumbled before grabbing the box and walking to the cashier.
You closed the compartment and asked the lady to ring it up.
"Would you like it wrapped," you nodded and she wrapped it before giving you a sweet smile
"Please come back again," you nodded and walked out of the store.
"I guess I should get Ciel and the rest of them gifts especially since Ciel doesn't really have anyone to talk with," you shivered at the gander boy but entered many other stores.
You bought Mey-rin a new gun for her collection, Finnian got some roses to put in the garden, Baldroy got a new flamethrower, you bought Sebastian some new silverware and finally you bought Ciel some limited edition Early Grey which was quite expensive but really high quality.
On your way out of the tea shop you bumped into someone.
"Oh so- Sebastian," the butler bowed and gave you a smile
"What are you doing out in the cold young mistress," you made a motion towards the presents in your arms and he smirked.
"Sebastian these are for you guys," you said "the one in black is yours, Ciel's is blue like his hair, Mey-rin has a purple one, Finnians is yellow and Baldroy's is green"
Sebastian smiled and took the presents before digging in his pocket and handing you two large presents.
"How did that fit in there," Sebastian smiled and patted your head
"I must be on my way now young mistress it was nice seeing you and thank you for the presents," he said before walking off "I'll be sure to tell the master of our meet"
You smiled and nearly sweatdropped as you came to a realization
"Sinclair must be so worried," you yelled running back home. When you arrived at your doorstep you were panting, Sinclair had just opened the door and looked down at you before pulling you inside and setting you on a stool.
"You had me worried," he flicked your nose and you glared at him.
He took off your coat, boots and hat.
"I'm sorry Sinclair," he just sat next to you and put his head on the counter.
"Are you oka-," you were interrupted by a small sneeze
"Not again," you mumbled before going in the kitchen.
You came out with a tray of tea and some gingerbread cookies and placed them in front of Sinclair.
"You're always worried about me Sinclair," a small blush crept on your face and you handed Sinclair the small gift you bought him.
"Y/n," he said looking at the object confused. He took a sip of the tea and ate a single cookie in one bite.
"Open it," he gently opened up the gift and wound up the music box.
The haunting yet merry melody.
When it finished playing the compartment opened and Sinclair pulled out both the necklaces. He put one around your neck and the other around his own.
"Y/n," he smiled and hugged you which was totally out of his character "thank you"
He soon let go with a blush and turned away from you.
"Wait here," he disappeared and you waited, stealing a cookie or two from his plate.
He came back with a gift before setting it in front of you.
"Open it," you proceeded to slowly unwrap the gift and pull it out of the box
"Sinclair," you gasped "you can't be serious"
Sinclair had got you F/g (favorite gift) you either
A. Wore it (if it was clothes or jewelry)
B. Put it on a shelf (if it was an antique or book)
C. Ate some of it (if it were food)

"Thanks you Sinclair," his eyes then averted to the two boxes.
"I'll open those later," you said before grabbing Sinclair's hand and running outside
"Wa- what about your jacket," you threw a snowball at his face and this started a snowball fight.
The two of you laughed and dodged and played your hearts away.

Time skip

"Baka," Sinclair lightly chopped you on the head "I told you to put a jacket on"
You sneezed
"But you didn't stop me from playing outside with you so who's really the Baka," you asked smiling
Sinclair carried you up the stairs and stopped at your doorframe
"Is something wrong," you asked and he looked up. Your eyes met the same object as his and he smirked.
"If I remember I think we're supposed to kiss," you blushed like crazy and Sinclair put you down.
"What if you catch my sickne-," he kissed you and you melted. After a long while of your lips being locked the two of you broke apart.
"You're worth any sickness"
"BAKA," you screamed hitting him on the chest
Sinclair laughed and grabbed you before dragging you into your  room

Hope you enjoyed
Let me know if you want a Christmas with Ciel and what not.

Yandere Cielxreader Where stories live. Discover now