I Missed You.

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-Violet's POV-


"Violet" He said with a nervous smile on his face. He took a few steps forward hesitantly, but I stopped him before he got any closer.

"N-no, don't come any closer."

Christian held my wrist and pushed me gently behind him.

"How do you know her, and What did you do to her?" Christian said angrily.

"She's my_"

"Don't even finish that sentence, you're dead to me." I said trying to fight back the tears, but failed miserably.

I took one last glance at Lucas, and ran. I saw how hurt he looked, and if I look at him any longer, I'd give in and hug him.

"Violet! Come back here!" I heard Christian say, but I didn't look back and ran into the forest.

His voice was so loud that I heard him yelling at Lucas from all the way to the forest, he was probably ready to attack him; and that made me nervous because no matter how angry I am at him, and it would be impossible to explain it in words, hell, not even physically I still care enough to go back, but the thing is I couldn't face him. I know I'd give in and forgive him, I just know it and I don't want that right now.

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't even realize how deep into the forest I am.

I decided to stop for a little to catch my breath. I bent down and put my hands on my knees and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

I looked up quickly and saw the last person I would want to see.


I know something is wrong I could feel it.

Iv'e been looking for her for the passed ten minutes, but her scent is everywhere it's so difficult to find her.

My curiosity will be the death of me, Lucas didn't say anything after she ran off. I threatened him to tell me, but he didn't say anything. He knew I wouldn't do anything to him he's my best friend.

I went after Violet, but realized I wouldn't find her easily, since her scent is everywhere. I shifted to my wolf form, trying desperately to find my small, fragile mate.

Ive only known this girl for a few days, and she's already causing so much trouble.


"We meet again..Violet? Thats your name, am I right?"

I didn't answer and didn't bother trying to escape because first, he's a wolf so theres no way in hell I can escape, and second He'd probably kill me if I move.

"What do you want from me?"

"Ah, lets rephrase that shall we. What don't I want from you? You are Christian's mate, it's a perfect way to get revenge." He said while walking around me.


"He has my men in those prisons he owns...and my girlfriend I want them back. So, if he doesn't give them back, he wont see you again.

"And why aren't you doing anything right now?" I have no idea why I'm asking, I should be grateful that he's not doing anything.

"You see, I've been planning this for so long I know exactly what I'm doing, and by the way your'e making my job so much easier, by coming alone." He whispered in ear. His words made shiver.

He grabbed my hands and began to tie them behind my back. I was just about ready to try to free myself and hit him but he pushed the back of my knees forwards causing me to fall on my knees.

"I wouldn't try anything if i were you."

"Boy's take her away, before he comes."

I tried to scream but my mouth was covered. Once again I felt useless and pathetic. I cant even do anything without getting into deep shit. The ropes on my hands were so tight, that it felt like it was cutting through my skin. I was dragged away by two guys, I know I could get out of this, I just need a plan and quick.


I finally found the spot that she was recently in, and she wasn't there anymore.

"Looking for someone?"

I turned around and growled at Derek, and went behind the trees to shift back.

"You know, if I were you I'd change those sad excuses of guards."

"Where is she?"

"You wont see her again if you don't give me what I want."

I smirked. "Do you think i'm stupid?"

"Have it your way, Christian. One signal away and the girl's dead."

He turned around, and I wasted no time on attacking him. I shifted and jumped on his human body.


I was put in a car that was outside of the forest with my hand tied and my mouth covered. The guys that brought me here, were laughing at something a few feet away from me. I tried to untie the thick ropes but it didn't work. I moved my head in all directions trying to loosen the piece of cloth on my mouth, and it did. I took a deep breath trying to figure out what I should do.

I took my shoe off, leaning on the car seats trying to open the car handle with my foot as slow as possible afraid I'd make any noise.

I opened the door a bit, trying desperately to not make it obvious I was doing something. I sat back a bit, incase any of the guys looked my way.
The men were so distracted, that they didn't even notice a thing. I put my shoe back on and pushed the door open. I slowly made my way back in the forest, and when I was out of sight, I ran as fast as my feet can take me.

The guys must've noticed cause I heard yelling.


I ran faster, then I was pulled by someone.

My heart stopped.

The person quickly put a hand on my mouth to prevent me from yelling. He turned me around. "Shhh it's just me." I was relieved to see the person I was running away from in the first place. Lucas.

"Shit, Vi."

He untied my hands and turned around. "I missed you." He sighed.

"Right nows not the time Lucas, i'm being followed by like 5 guys.

"She's right there!"

"Give us the girl, or we'll kill you'"

Lucas just laughed. That made them angry causing them to shift into their wolves. "You obviously don't know what's happening to Derek right now don't you?"

They were just about ready to attack but a few wolves came from behind the trees and attacked them.

I gasped and closed my eyes. This was something you'd see on a movie, not a few feet away from you.

Lucas lead me to god knows where, but I'd go anywhere to not watch wolves fight.



"Please just hear me out."

"What's there to hear Lucas? You left at the worst time. No calls. No messages. Nothing. And now that I'm here, you expect me to fucking believe that you missed me?"

"It's complicated"

"That's everyones answer to everything they don't have an answer to." He sighed and stopped walking.

"I really did miss you." He said hugging me, and a few seconds later I gave in and hugged him back. "I still hate you."

We were interrupted by a growl which caused us both to jump.

I knew it was Christian the second I saw the wolf's eyes. Blue and intimidating.

I cringed, and once he shifted I gasped and turned around, waiting for him to wear something.

"He's going to kill me." I whispered to no one in particular, but Lucas heard, causing him to chuckle.

"It's not funny Luke."

I felt a hand on my upper arm turning me around softly. "Violet" he said hugging me, I felt his face on the crook of my neck, kissing the spot he once bit. "Are you ok, did he hurt you?" He looked me in the eyes, and for once I saw worry in them.

"I-I'm fine." I said looking down.

"Violet.." He warned seriously and lifted my chin up turning my face left and right to see if i was really hurt.

"I'm fine, really." I whispered. He sighed and kissed my lips quickly and turned to Lucas.

"How the fuck do you know her Lucas, if you don't answer this time I won't hesitate to kill you."

Lucas just chuckled looking down and shaking his head from left to right.

Christian growled and Lucas cleared his throat. "Alpha."

"Answer the fucking question." His eyes were so dark.

I knew Lucas wasn't going to answer the question anytime soon so I did it for him, afraid he would really get hurt for bothering Christian.

"Lucas is my brother."


Hey! sorry late and short update but i had to write something. Finals will be the death of me. I have two left then winter vacation. Still not a vacation for me gotta study my SATs. Fml.

Anyway what do you think. Violet will explain why shes so mad at her bro next chap.

Well I imagine Lucas as Chad Michael Murray(;

Oh yea thanks so much for the reads comments and votes you don't know how much I appreciate it.

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