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I had been awake for hours, my body unable to move as Christian's strong arms held me to him. My back was still pressed to his front. Every time I would wiggle slightly, his grip tightened. I slept for an hour or two, then woke up trying to untangle myself from him grip, but it was useless. Staying at the same exact spot for hours gets very uncomfortable and I was feeling that way at the moment. Trying one more time, mentally praying to god that I don't wake him up at the process, but my prayers were cut short. Christian let out a throaty grunt. His hands slid down to my hips, rolling me over to face him. The unexpected action caused my eyes to widen. His eyes were still closed but he was obviously awake.

"Violet.." his raspy morning voice grumbled. I couldn't help but think about how sexy that sounded.

He looked at me, showing his beautiful, yet intimidating eyes. They focused on my face. Then let out a smirk, probably from my face expression.

"Morning, beautiful." He said, closing his eyes again, but still had a smile on his face.

I blushed, then tried to remove myself from on top of his body, but he held my thigh in place, not wanting me to move. Taking me by surprise, he flipped us over again.

"Where do you think you're going baby?" He said caressing my cheek.

"I.." was the only thing that came out of my mouth, because I really had no where to go anyway.

He smirked then pecked my lips.

"You're going to meet the pack today since you're their luna." He said showing a bit of excitement, but I was anything but.

I must have shown a bit of anxiety in my face expression because I could've sworn I saw a sympathetic look on his face, but he changed it immediately.

"Everything is going to be fine, baby. They're very nice, and they'll love you."

He kissed my lips, but this time longer than usual.

He looked into my eyes for a bit, then sighed getting off me.

"Beta Lucas told a few pack members to bring you're things today."

I cringed at the name, but shrugged it off hoping he wouldn't question it.

"I need some water." I quickly changed the subject. I was actually proud of myself for saying one whole sentence without stuttering.

I opened the door to his room, and quickly ran out before he said anything.

I went down the stairs, practically dragging myself down, due to the lack of sleep.

It took me about ten minutes to find the kitchen because of the amount of rooms there were, and because I needed my space. It gave me time to think about what he told me. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I know I don't have a choice, and I'm not going to even bother telling him that I don't want to meet anyone, even if he/she is nice, because if me and that person get close, I have a habit of shutting him/her out because I'm afraid I'd get hurt again.

I finally entered the kitchen, and now the hard part is to get a cup for the cupboard. Usually I'd have to stand on the kitchen counter to get it or stand on a chair, but I was too tired to make an effort. I sighed about to turn around to leave, but felt someone behind me. I looked up at Christian. He was stretching his arm out to get a cup and laughed, making me pout. One thing I hate, is when people laugh at me.

He turned me around and lifted me up to sit on the counter. "It's ok I think it's cute." He was still laughing and I inwardly rolled my eyes. He kissed the spot on my neck that was still blue from yesterday. I could feel drops of water on my thigh from his hair. It made me shiver noticeably.

He moved away from me, opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water, and poured it in the cup. He handed me the cup and I thanked him.

The doorbell rang, and Christian went to go see who that was. I am still sitting on the counter, trying to make out the voice of the person that came, but the only thing I heard was 'alpha', 'luna', and 'thank you'.

I jumped off the counter the moment Christian arrived.

"I need you to be ready in about an hour and a half. The guy at the door brought your stuff."

"Okay, h-how's my mom doing?"

"I just asked about her, she's fine and she took my offer. She'll be living in the pack house."

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. No matter how angry I am at her, I will always make sure she's fine.

"Thank you."

He didn't answer, instead he kissed my cheek.

"Go get ready, baby."


I took a quick shower, and when I got out I found all my things in his bedroom. Sighing, I took a look at my cloths not quite sure about what I should wear. I don't know what they're expecting, and i'm not going to even try to change my personality or the way I dress just to please them. I decided on wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a cute top. I brushed my hair, not bothering with any makeup, grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs.

Surprisingly, I was looking for Christian and I found him sitting in what looked like his office. I knocked the door and he just smiled at me.

"You look beautiful, baby."

"Thank you"

"Are you ready?" He asked getting up and making his way towards me.


"Everything's going to be okay" He said, kissing my forehead and putting his arm around my shoulder.

I put my converse on and left the house.

It was a very beautiful day outside, and that gave me some comfort. Christian held my hand and we went walking to god knows where.

"Where are we going?"

"The pack house, thats where everyone is."

I had a question in mind, and I'm thinking nows a good time to ask.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty Three" He smiled at my random question, and looked down at me.

"I'm assuming you're about seventeen or eighteen."

"I'm seventeen."

We reached the pack house, and Christian opened the door and stepped back wanting my to enter the house first.

I went in and saw so many people around the house. He led me to the kitchen, and there were women and girls getting breakfast ready. When they saw me they stopped what they were doing and smiled widely.

"Alpha." They said nodding their heads to Christian, then they looked at me.

"You must be our luna, nice to meet you." They said nodding their heads.

"Call me Violet." I didn't feel comfortable with them calling me that.

"She's beautiful, isn't she ladies." I heard them say causing me to blush.

"We would love it, if you join us for breakfast, so everyone could meet our lu.. I mean Violet."

"Yes, off coarse, she didn't eat anything anyway.

"Alright then, come on ladies get to work."

We left the kitchen and went around the house meeting new people. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. I met his third in command and he was very polite. I thought about my mom, but she was probably not here yet. A short while after, we ate breakfast and left the house. On our way out there were more people I had to meet.

"I want you to meet my beta."

I looked up at him, and my heart stopped, and I can see in his eyes that he was just as shocked as I am.



So this is chapter 9 i think? lol sorry it sucks but i had to write something before finals.

Who do u think lucas is?(;

Oh yeaaa 20.6K yaaaay thanks so much<3

Oh, ima try to show you the characters.

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