You're Mine

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I placed my mate softly on my bed, trying my best to lay her down gently. Her phone kept ringing every five seconds, so I grabbed the phone that she dropped once she fainted and checked it. She had several messages from her mom. I couldn't really do anything, so I just put her phone on silent.

The more I look at my mate the angrier I get. The way they touched her and almost hurt her makes me want to kill them. What made me even angrier is the way she fainted because she saw me shift. That wasnt the way I wanted her to know about my wolf side. She's so fragile and she wasnt ready. I threw the glass of water that was placed on the night stand across the room from frustration. Then Jason opened the door to my bedroom and came rushing in.

"Is everything alright, alpha" he said looking around for any sign of danger

"Everything is fine" I said through gritted teeth.

"I-I know it isn't my place to tell you this but you need to calm down, you don't want to scare her more than she already is, she's seen enough back at at the forest" he stuttered, probably expecting me to yell at him.

"How the fuck do you expect me to calm down when that good for nothing piece of shit touched my mate!" he cringed at my tone.

"We'll find him" he tried reassuring me.

And with that he left my room.


I waited a whole hour for my mate to wake up but she didn't. It gave me time to look at her closely. She was beautiful, not a single flaw. She looked extremely young, probably seventeen or eighteen. I don't know what to expect when she wakes up but theres no way in hell I'm letting her leave.

I was getting thirsty, so I decided to go down to the kitchen for a drink. Sighing loudly, I stood up and made my way to the door, making sure I closed the door before I leave.



I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a few times to see everything clearly. I don't remember sleeping? I sat up but immediately winced from the pain in my back. I look around me and eventually find out that this isn't my room. Trying my hardest to remember what happened before I slept then it hit me. I was either in Derek or Christian's room.

I had to get out of here, I grabbed my phone quickly and jumped off the bed looking for a window or something to jump out from. I rushed to the window and ignore the pain from my back to only find out I am on the second floor.

"Fuck" I cursed.

"Language" a voice from behind me said, causing me to stiffen.

I turned around quickly to find Christian. I was mentally thanking god it wasn't Derek, but then I remember that he turned into a wolf the last time I saw him.

He began walking towards me, causing me to take a few steps back.

"Stay away from me" I said, my hands stretched out for some sort of protection.

He ignored what I said and proceeded with his actions.

I kept taking steps back till I hit the window wincing again. Right now he was just inches away from me, arms on both side of my head, and staring into my eyes.

"P-please don't hurt me" a tear slipped from my eye, but he quickly wiped it away. "I'm not gonna hurt you." He said kissing the corner of my mouth.

"What's you're name?" His staring made me feel uncomfortable so I looked down.

"Violet" my voice was lower than I expected it to be.

"Violet" he said my name as if testing it "I like it."

I was still looking down, too afraid to look at him.

He lifted my chin up "Look at me when I'm talking to you, beautiful." He said. His face gets closer to mine but he has to bend down to reach my height.

I looked at the clock hung up on the wall behind us. It was 6:35Pm. Thats when I remembered my mom.

"I-I have to go home, please let me go."

This only made him smirk.

"Violet, this is you're home. You're mine" he said, eyes glowing slightly, causing my eyes to widen.

"N-no I'm not, I don't even know you, I have to go home, my mom's waiting for me.. oh my god she's going to kill me" I start panicking.

He was just staring at me, no emotions written on his face, obviously not caring about a thing I'm telling him but then I see the corner of his mouth lift. "You're in a house with a person you just met and the only thing you're worried about is your mom yelling at you?" His face full of amusement was the complete opposite of my confused one.

"Get off me, I'm going home" My voice gets a bit higher then it was a few minutes ago. I try pushing him away from me but there is no use.

"No you're not" He said, his jaw tightened. Obviously annoyed from my stubbornness.

"I'm all she has left, you can't do this to her." More tears fell from my eyes.

He took a deep breath and looked at me probably thinking about what he should do about this.

"Alright, I'll let you see your mom, but after that you're coming back with me."

"W-why." my voice cracked.

"Like i said before.." his face

comes close to mine again. "You're mine, Violet." He said, pecking my lips gently after.


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