The Horan's Son: Chapter 1

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"C'mon Jessica! Time for book club!" mom yelled.

"Do I have to go? I'd rather just sleep or read by myself," I replied half asleep.

It's 8 am. She can't seriously be expecting me, a 14 year old girl, to wake up this early in the summer.

"Very funny, Jess. Now get up! Make some friends!"

"I don't WANT friends, mom! I'm fine the way I am. I don't need some loser to hang out with me."

"Just try. Please."

"Ugh, alright," I said as I walked towards our Grey, Honda van in the garage.

You can't blame me for hating book club. Everyone who attends, is lame. None of them know how to have a good time.

"See you later, Jess! Make some friends!" She said frowning at me.

"Whatever, mom," I yelled back as I walked into the library.

"Jessica! So glad you could make it!" Zach called out to me as he saw me walk in.

Zach was the leader of the group. Even though he's 18, I still wouldn't consider him an adult.

Every morning at book club we, about 15 of us, sit around in a circle and tell each other about our favorite books. For one, I hate reading. I always pick up a random book on my way in and read the back to find out the details. And for two, I hate all these people. Ugh. Why are they so boring.

"Jessica. How about you go first," Zach suggested.

"Um sure. Why not. Ok. Well first, I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess,"

"Hi, Jess," the group said back.

"To be honest. I hate reading. My mom forces me to come here because she thinks ill make some kind of "friends" or something," I shared. This one boy...I don't know who he is but he would't stop looking at me.

"Um...thanks for sharing your opinion, Jess. Moving on. How about you, new kid?" Zach said as he pointed to the boy who kept looking at me.

"Oh sure. Why not. Hey guys. I'm Caleb and I-"

"Hi, Caleb," we all said back, cutting him off.

He continued, "And I just moved here from Ireland. I don't know anyone so I thought I'd make some friends here too."

I knew he was looking at me. Don't make eye contact, Jessica. I told myself.

I got through that book club meeting just fine when on my way out Caleb stopped me.

"Hey! I'm Caleb. And you are...Jessica? Correct?"

"Oh yea! Thats me!"

"Sweet! Well hi! I'm new and I was wondering if you would like to hang out some time! movies books?"

"Um no to the reading, yes to the watching," I said with a smile as we walked out of the library.

"Well cool. Want to come over, now, and watch some TV?" He offered.

"Sure, let me call my mom."

After calling her and making sure, Caleb's mom picked us up in her fancy sports car. He didn't look like the rich type, but I had no idea what to expect.

After arriving to his home, I was stunned.

"Woah!! You live here?!" I asked in amazement.

"Yeah. Amazing the places you have when your dad was once in a band."

"Your dad was in a band? What?"

"Yeah. I don't know if you know him but I guess it was a pretty popular band back in the days. He was in One Direction. Niall Horan? Ring a bell? I'm his son, Caleb Horan."

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