Chapter 7

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“Wake up!” I heard 5 familiar voices shout at me. One in particular stuck out though: Zayn’s. You couldn’t help but hear his voice stick out. It was soft and angelic, I guess you could say.

I quietly sighed. “No.” I mumbled, turning my back to the boys. It was hard since I was sitting in a airplane seat.

“Wake up.” Zayn whispered in my ear and then poked my tummy. I quickly slapped his hands away.

“Leave me alone.” I complained.

“Fine.” Zayn said. I heard his retreating footsteps and I sighed in happiness. Thank god I get to sleep more!

It was silent for a few minutes, until I heard the footsteps returning. I shifted slightly, enough to make them think I fell back asleep. The footstep owner quietly chuckled.

“AHH!” I yelled springing up quickly out of my seat. “What the heck was that for!?”

Louis walked back into the airplane and took one look at me, then burst out laughing. Everyone else came to see what was so funny, and burst out laughing also. I scowled at them, before looking down. Water dripped slowly down my face. Those jerks face poured cold water all over me!

“You wouldn’t get up. We had to get you up one way or another.” Zayn said, smirking at me. He quietly continued to laugh while I glared at him. “Now go get changed so we can leave this plane thingy.”

“Fine.” I mumbled, still glaring and scowling at him. I quickly grabbed my carryon bag with all of my extra clothes in it. I headed towards the bathroom to change.

*********Some Time Later**********

“We’re staying at The Beverly?” I asked, amazed. From the outside, this place looked amazing! I turned back to the boys and chuckled at their silly disguises.

“What is there something wrong with this hotel? Why are you laughing?” Harry asked worried. He booked this hotel based on what my mom said I would like. How my mom talked to Harry, I have no idea. I ignored his question and continued to look around. From where I was standing, I could see a playground full of little kids. There might even be a few teenagers there also. There was also a pool, the water a clear type blue, like usual pools. The pool wasn’t as filled as the park, it was about half full.

I quickly grabbed my suitcases and began the walk into the hotel, the boys following shortly behind.

“Hey, you never answered my question.” Harry whined, content on getting his question answered. I looked at him to see him doing the puppy dog face, and I shook my head, laughing.

“I love it so far.” I said, smiling slightly at Harry as I saw his eyes light up in joy. “And I’m laughing because of your silly disguises.”

“Thank god.” Harry muttered, a small smile playing on his lips. “It took me forever to find this place!”

“You didn’t have to go through all of that trouble just for me.” I said, smiling slightly. “You’ve only known me for what, two to three days?”

“Yeah, but we feel like we know you well.” Louis said, winking at Zayn who in return just blushed.

I ignored the rest of the conversation, walking up to the check in desk. The person working it smiled at me, and I smiled slightly back, far too interested in wanting to see what our rooms were like.

“Hi, I’ll be right with you.” He said, smiling slightly and answering the phone. I nodded slightly, beckoning the boys over, since they booked the rooms. “Alright, how can I help you?”

“Yes, we booked 3 double room beds.” Niall said, in an American accent. Why? I have no clue. Ask him.

“Under what name?” The person said.

“Erm, I believe the name was Heinrick von Streudel.” Niall said with a straight face. The rest of us started to giggle, unable to help ourselves. The desk clerk, (I guess you could call him that?) burst of laughing.

“Okay, be serious. What is the name you checked in under?” The guy said.

“Heinrick von Streudel.” Niall said, barely containing laughter.

The desk man sighed. “How do you spell it?” Niall quickly gave him the correct spelling. When our rooms popped up, he was surprised. “That’s seriously your name?!”

“Yes, do you have a problem with it?” Niall said, acting angry when we could all tell he wanted to laugh. “I should report you to management for bad service.”

“No! Please don’t!” He pleaded. “I’ll give you your rooms free! Just don’t report me!”

“Okay, free rooms it is.” Niall said, smirking.


“No! I don’t want to go in the water!” I yelled, sticking my tongue out in a childish manner.

“Please?” Everyone begged. They all gave me puppy eyes, which I had to turn away from.


“Fine then.” Zayn said, and smirked at me. I quickly backed up, and began to run away. I knew that look on his face, and I did not want a repeat of what happened on the plane. Oh heck no. Soon Zayn quickly caught up with me and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up. I screamed and kicked, trying to get out of his hold. It didn’t work. Before I knew it, I was submerged into the freezing water.

“SPLASH FIGHT BETWEEN ZAYN AND KENDALL!” Louis yelled loud enough people across the street could hear.

“I’m game, are you?” Zayn asked. I smirked in response and began the war.


“AND THE WINNER IS…” Louis began, pausing for dramatic effect. “HARRY STYLES!”

“Yay!” Harry yelled. “Yay! I won!” Harry began to do a childish dance.

“No. I won!” Zayn yelled or protested, I couldn’t tell which one.

“How is that even possible?” Liam asked. I’ve learned that Liam is the quiet one.

“I know right?” I said, sighing. “He didn’t even play and he won!”

“You lose.” Louis said, and then smirked.



Hey guys!

It’s Hayyyyley! :)

I’ve had a rough day, trust me. But thanks to my friend/co-account owner, I’m a little bit happier! :) yayyy!


Hope you enjoyed the chapter (:


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