"Thank you. You're the bestest friend in the whole world".

Asami giggled. "I do my best".

Asami realized that Jinora was oddly quiet. The raven haired princess looked at the other princess. Jinora was descretly staring at something. Asami followed her gaze over to where Korra was standing by the door.

The servant girl, was standing, hands clutched and head bowed. Asami looked back at Jinora.

"Jinora", she said, lowering her voice barely above a whisper.

Jinora heard and looked at her. Asami gave her a questioning look.

"When does she get to eat??", Jinora asked. "She must be starving and standing there while we're eating and talking about how good the food is is making me feel guilty".

Mako, Bolin, and Opal looked at her.

Asami looked back to Korra. She felt sorry for her. She looked at the bread basket then at Korra.

"Korra", she called.

Korra's head snapped up. She looked at Asami.

"Yes your highness?".

Asami motioned for her to come to them. Korra quickly walked up to her, stopping two feet away.

"When do servants get fed??", Asami asked.

"At dinner time", Korra said. "When you and your family eat, we will eat".

Asami frowned deeply. They had to wait until dinner??. It was only lunchtime. Those poor people must be so hungry.

Asami looked up at Korra then at the bread basket. She reached out and picked up a roll. She turned to Korra and held out the bread.

"Here. Eat something".

Korra looked at her as if she'd gone mad.

"Your highness. Servants can't eat food from their master's table", she said. "It's not allowed".

Asami raised an eyebrow. "How come??".

Korra shrugged. "We're servants".

Asami realized there was a lot about having a servant that she didn't know about. She shook her head. "But still, you look like you need to eat something. Eat it".

Korra hesitated before reaching out and taking the warm bread roll from her. Korra looked at it before taking a small bite. "Thank you".

Asami smiled.

"You're welcome".

Asami put down her book with a yawn. She turned and looked to the large class doors that led to her balcony. It was dark out.

With a full stomach from dinner, Asami was ready to go to bed.

Asami marked the page of her book and set it aside on her desk. She stood up and turned to the large clock on the wall. To her surprise, it was nearly midnight.

Asami saw movement in the corner of her eye and looked towards whatever it was, tensing up. She relaxed when she saw it was only Korra.

Asami then became bewildered. Korra was sitting curled up on the floor, her head resting on the wall, fast asleep. The princess couldn't believe someone could fall asleep in that position.

Asami decided to wake her so she could send her off to her room. Asami walked over to her. Kneeling down, she gently shook Korra.

Korra woke with a start. Her eyes shot open and she sat up. Korra looked at Asami. Her eyes widened.

"Your highness. I-I'm so sorry. I was just so tired".

Asami placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm not mad. It's midnight anyway. You should go to bed".

Korra and Asami stood up. Korra took a step back, and clasped her hands together.

"Actually, I don't have anywhere to sleep", Korra said, eyes downcast.

Asami's eyebrows furrowed together.

"What do you mean??".

"The other servants are going to sleep in a room for themselves. Since I am your servant, I have to sleep somewhere else in case you need me. Your father specifically ordered me to be near you at all times".

Korra shrugged. "I don't mind sleeping on the floor, your highness. You don't have to worry about me".

Asami crossed her arms. "I will not let you sleep on the floor. I'm not cruel".

Korra didn't respond.

Asami suddenly had an idea. She turned to an empty part of the huge bedroom. She pointed her finger and magic shot out. She blinked and a small bed appeared.

Asami smiled and looked at Korra.

"There you go".

Korra was in shock, her out open but no words came out. She looked at Asami.

"I- You didn't- I.....".

Korra looked at Asami skeptically.

"Don't take this the wrong way, your highness but why are you so nice to me??".

Asami shrugged. "Because you deserve it".

"But I'm a servant. I can't have such luxuries".

"Says who??", Asami asked.

Korra shrugged. "Everyone".

Asami grinned. "Everyone but me".

Korra was silent. Asami zapped her dress and it changed into her night gown. She looked at Korra.

"You should rest. You've had a long day".

Korra bowed. "Thank you, your highness. I appreciate your kindness".

Asami smiled. "Your welcome, Korra".

Korra and Asami went to their own beds. Asami pulled the blanket up and laid down. She reached out and turned off the firelit lamp on her bedside table. She looked over at Korra who was in bed, facing her. Asami smiled when she saw Korra comfortable in her new bed, already fast asleep.

She was kinda cute. Asami frowned. Cute??. Her servant?? She must be more tired than she thought.

Asami laid her head down. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to wander off into a deep sleep.

Comment what you think about this :)

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