"Senator Organa is in danger of warmongering. She has been fighting for so long that perhaps she and her Jedi brother should return to the battle field and leave the political decisions to those with more experience," he said cuttingly, waving a hand in the direction of Luke Skywalker, who was standing behind Leia and out of the main discussion area.

"Her legitimate senate seat was surely lost a long time ago along with the destruction of Alderaan, whose demise was probably caused by its lack of planetary defence. Something she is now suggesting we offer our own planets. And, the Jedi are long gone and can no longer help us."

This last remark hit home, and Leia felt her ire rising. In any other company, she would have reacted, but here she had to remain in control.

Luke didn't move from his position. He remained standing, his arms clasped in front of him inside his Jedi robes with his hood raised. He looked like he was sleeping standing up, but Leia knew he was listening to every word.

"The betrayal and destruction of the Jedi was what led to the imbalance in the Force and in the galaxy." Leia was emphatic. "My brother seeks help only to restore the sacred temples and begin an academy. The future of the galaxy depends on restoring that balance, and the Jedi will help us do that. It is just as important as a fair and democratic political system."

The older woman rose to address the room. Clearly the chair of this meeting, her white robes of office were immaculately presented, her presence peaceful and forceful at the same time.

Leia glanced at Mon Mothma as she began to speak. One of the Alliance's most respected leaders and recently elected First Chancellor of the New Republic, Chandrila was her home planet and centre of the new government, at least for the time being. The wide-held fear of putting power into the hands of a single leader again was a fear Leia shared. When it had been proposed that the seat of galactic government should rotate between member worlds, Chandrila being the first to take up the banner, she had voted in favour. The Chandrilians, like their climate, were temperate people who valued democracy and gave each of their citizens a voice. It was a perfect choice for the start of the new government, laying down good foundations that Leia approved of.

She had tremendous respect for the older woman, whom she had known since she had been introduced to the political arena by her adoptive father, Viceroy Bail Organa, when she was a young girl. She had cometo see her as more than just a leader; a motherly figure from whom Leia had often sought advice as she was growing, both personally and within her political career.

"Leia's credentials and those of her brother are not in question here, ambassador." Mon Mothma stopped Ambassador San'teefa in his tracks, her voice quiet but authoritative. "Nor is her considerable experience up for debate. Alderaan may have been peaceful with no planetary defence systems, but it's security forces were superior. Without it's resources and assistance, there would have been no Rebel Alliance in the first place. Without Luke Skywalker, the Emperor would still be in power, and we would not be having this discussion." She turned to Leia.

"I understand your concerns, Leia. I know that you would not bring this matter to us without due cause. However, I must also be mindful of our promise to return each member world's ships and troops to them so that they may begin rebuilding their defences. Some are insisting this happen sooner rather than later. I am afraid I am not in a position to refuse them after all they have done for us during the war. I will put your case to a few worlds who might be willing to wait."

"Thank you,Chancellor. That's all I can ask," Leia conceded. It was disappointing, but Mon Mothma was, indeed, in a difficult position. It would mean further negotiations with sympathetic leaders to secure alternative funding for ships and resources, which meant, in turn, more meetings like this one. She was exhausted.

The Chancellor adjourned the session after the discussion of several other agenda items that Leia mostly closed her ears to. She left the meeting room followed by Luke, his Jedi robes flowing behind him, giving him a commanding presence. Walking through the wide corridors back to their temporary chambers, she was frustrated. She turned to Luke who still hadn't said a word.

"Warmongering?"Leia asked heatedly. She wasn't really asking a question, rather disbelieving what she had heard. Her eyes were wide with exasperation, and the gesticulation of her hands and the speed of her walk further served to illustrate her annoyance. "Really? Am I warmongering?" This time it was a question.

Luke removed his hood and stopped her walking with a gentle hand on her upper arm.

"Leia, you know that's not true. He was just trying to get to you." He smiled, his gentle blue eyes calming her down.

"Well, it almost worked." She sighed and continued along the corridor, more slowly this time. "It's so frustrating. I had hoped for a better response, but now it seems we will have to make do with what we have. It means more individual and probably protracted negotiations and I just don't want to stay a moment longer."

"You did your best, and that's all you can do. We'll manage. We always manage," Luke reassured her.

She gave him a long look. He was always so patient and conciliatory. She wished he had been with her throughout her teenage years in the Senate, to calm her easily agitated temper.

"What will you do now?" she asked him. "Are you going to stay on here and make use of the archives? Would you like me to stay on and help you?"

"No, that's alright. I've spoken to the people I need to for the moment, and I was going to come back with you, if that's OK. I'd like to spend some time reading through the archive data I already have." Luke sometimes spent hours in the archives on several planets that had good sources of information, such as Chandrila and Coruscant, but it could get a bit mind blowing and often helped to take copies back to his own quarters on the base if simply for a change of scenery.

"Okay, then." Leia continued. "If you have a moment, I'd like you to help me with something," she said.

Luke looked enquiringly at her.

"Oh? What's that?"

"Just something that General Madine brought to my attention. We'll discuss it on the way home." Leia paused by one of the large windows, the view suddenly catching her eye, and gazed out over the lakes of the Galadian State Park in the centre of Hanna City. "It's beautiful here, isn't it?" she said, her mind momentarily transported to another place.

"Yes, it is," he agreed. And a world away from my desert home on Tatooine, he thought.

"One day we might have time to stop and enjoy the beauty in the galaxy." There was longing in her voice.

He put his arm round her shoulder.

"Come on," he said. "Let's go home."

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