Chapter 9: An Interesting Enemy

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When we finally got into the building we will be staying in until the start of the games I immediately jump out of the chariot.  I watch as everyone else gets out and is greeted by mentors, stylist and prep team alike, I however can only see Nabe coming towards me and he doesn’t seem to happy. 

“Mind telling me what that was about?” he asked, well yelled, at me.

“A five year old boy nine years ago.”  Is all I say, and it was enough.  His expression changes form anger to sorrow and just stands their thinking about it.

“I’m sorry,” is all he says before he leaves.

I look around and to see what everyone else is doing and see that most have started to head to the elevators, the other were just standing talking to their prep team, stylist, and mentors.  Well, all but Diless who just so happened to be heading this way.

“Hey Diless, did you want to tell me something?” I asked honestly interested in why she had come over this way.

“What gives you that impression?” She asked almost defensively.

“Well you did just come all the way over here when the elevator is that way,” I said in a matter of fact way as I pointed behind her.

“I’m just exploring,” she gave in a nervous laugh. “Hopefully I won’t stumble on the arena and end up like that avox girl from the first games.”

I laughed at the small joke with her, wait, I laughed, I haven’t laughed at all in years unless it was to do so sarcastically, what is this girl doing to me?  I’ll have to come back to that later, “I think I might go with you I would probably end up going to my room for the night anyway.”  Idiot, what are you getting yourself into, wait, this might be a good chance to find out more about her, yea lets go with it at least for now.  So we started walk slowly to the elevators.

“That’s cool,” she sighed what seemed like a heavy weight off her shoulders, “Why do you talk to me anyways?  I’m one of the last people you would expect to win, and I’m underfed and scrawny. I do have my secrets though.”  She gave me a wink and a small smile.

I can’t help but chuckle, again something I haven’t done in years, “I don’t doubt it, as for why I chose you, you just seem different from the others, I can’t quite say what it is but it’s there.  Why did you wake me?”  What is wrong with me?  I didn’t mean to tell her that, this girl is screwing with my mind and she isn’t even doing anything.  Ugh, well maybe something good will come of being honest with her.

She shrugged before saying, “Dunno.  Felt bad for you I guess.  I laughed when you punched your prep team guy in the face.”

I can fill a smile grow on my face, she liked that huh.  We stepped into the elevator and pushed the button that would take us to the remake center.  “I just wish I could of taken out a few more guards before I went unconscious.”

“Don’t we all,” she said with a smile.  Then she sighed and I could tell what ever wall she had put up against me for safeties sake was gone.  “I wish I still had the confidence I had before, on the reaping day.”

I don’t answer this right away, instead I find myself thinking.  Our quick ride down suddenly stopped and we both got off, I was thinking over what she said had meant about her personality.  So she really is just as afraid as most of them, but she is braver, she is willing to do what it takes to win at any cost.  She most likely has a family, both parents, and living siblings, if any one were to win I would rather it be her.  If I could die knowing she won I would be happy.

Eventually I decide to ask the major question on my mind.  “Who do you have at home?”

She didn’t hesitate, “My sisters, my mom , and my dad.  When I left Prandi, the youngest, didn’t know I was reaped.”  She let out a sigh of regret and longing, if her sister didn’t know that means she was sick, really sick, know I feel like I have to make sure she is the one that wins – if not for her then for her sister.  “I have my best friend Gregson, too.  His dad is the mayor of District 12, and he will most likely become mayor too.”

I gave her a simple nod and a reply, “That’s what I thought.”  It seems she has a male friend to, there might even be something between them.  Should I ask her?  I don’t see why I shouldn’t.  “So is this Gregson a friend or a,” I cleared my throat to cover for the word boy, “friend.”

She laughed lightly before saying  “The former.”  Where have I heard that before, I start to look around and find that we are in one of the hallways with their plane white surfaces.  I looked back at her just in time to see her fingering an hour glass necklace, her token I guess.  That’s when I remember mine and the feeling of it hitting my chest as I walk.  It starts to bring back the memory and I almost miss what she said, “Never mind that, how about you?”

My anger starts to build even greater, I know she didn’t mean any harm but sill.  “Two drunken parents and a dead brother.” I almost shout.  All of a sudden I realize how angry I am and calmly take a few deep breaths to release all my built up emotion.  “That’s not important though.”

I could feel how much sympathy she was looking at me with and I didn’t enjoy getting the look, in fact that’s why I didn’t tell most people, I hate the looks of sympathy and pity they give you.  “I’m sorry but,” she paused shortly before she stopped walking, I stopped to.  “I have a question I need to ask you.”

We both turned so that we were looking at each other face to face.  We stared into each other’s eyes and I could see the question before I heard her ask it.  “Will you be my ally?”

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