Chapter 3: A Silent Moment

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This chapter is a little shorter then I'm use to making but for a good reason, I'm just not telling what that reason is right now. :P


I’m taken to the justice building where I have an hour to say goodbye to friends and family.  I could start my torturing of the capitol right now but if I know my parents they would feel better if they thought I was going to go peacefully, that’s okay though because once I’m on the train the nightmare will begin.

It is to my surprise that the very first people through the door are my parents, I had honestly thought that between me going to the games and what happened to my brother that they would have just tried to get even more drunk then they already were.

“Oh, Ter how could this have happened?” my mother started to ball as she ran to me to give me a hug, something was strange about my parents but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

“It’s okay mom, I have excellent skills with an ax, I won’t be a some push over for no career.”  My mom just continued to sob into my chest, meanwhile my dad slowly walked over soberly . . . sober that’s what it was, they hadn’t gotten drunk yet, they had been waiting until after the reaping to begin, and here I thought they didn’t care all that much.

When my dad was standing next to me he held his fist up to me and opened his hand.  Lying in the middle of his palm was a small wooden figure of a man.  It was one of my brother’s favorite toys when he was still alive.  The only thing that had changed about the figure was that now a chain had been put through a small whole so that it could be used for a necklace.

At first I just stared at it, then after about a minute I picked it up and hung it around my neck, “Thanks,” was all I said.  We didn’t say another word not even as they left.

Then Rick appeared in the door and I could tell that the only thing on his mind at the moment was strategy.  “Okay, so you’re good enough with an ax that you should be able to take care of anyone in your way, if you can. . .”

“Rick.” I stopped him mid strategy, “I only have one goal and that is to make the Capitol wish they had never heard of the name Terpetra Falloak.  I don’t care if I make it out alive or not I just want revenge for my brother.”

Rick smiled then nodded, “I should of known you had it all planed out already, you never were one to pass up an opportunity to spit in the Capitol’s face.”  I smiled back and then the peacekeeper came and took Rick out of the room.

Next they will most likely be taking my to the train, but the next person to enter the door was not the peacekeepers, it was a little girl no younger than 12.  The girl walked up to me and handed me a note and then just stood there waiting.

Realizing she was waiting for me to read the note I tore it open real quick to see what it said.

Mr. Falloak, It has come to my attention that you wish to cause havoc during the early stages of the game.  My wish is nothing more than to help you, but you should be more careful whom you discuss this around the Capitol has ears everywhere.

It was signed by A Friend in High Places, I turned to the girl and saw her expecting smile.  “Tell him I accept.”  The little girls smile grew and then she ran out the door.

With that finally over I was taken to the train were I once again put on my calm demeanor and headed into the train.

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