So pale (slenderman x Jeff)

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Nobodys POV
It was a long day of killing, Jeff, Slenderman, and the proxy's were heading back to the mansion. For some reason Jeff walked a little slower than the others. Slenderman was worried but didn't say anything to the boy.

Slenderman POV

I wonder what's wrong with Jeffrey. "Slendy slendy slendy" Toby practically yelled. "Yes child what is it?" I said not amused. "Masky won't play with me.. tell him to play with me. Please?" He begged. I could not say no to my adorable proxy. "Masky play with Toby please." I asked the masked man. "Geez why can't Hoodie do it." "Come on Toby, hoodie?" He said as they walked away. Now let's see what's wrong with my favorite killer... Wait did i just say that... I knew my face was heating up ... Compared to my skin Jeff could most likely see the blush. Hopefully the darkness covers it up.

Jeff's POV

God those fucking proxy's annoy the hell outta me. I wish they would leave slendy alone. He's mine!... Wait did I just think that. I don't like slenderman. Im not a fag. Am I? I've never really ever loved a woman before. Am I gay? No I can't be. Can I. when I looked up my heart broke. As soon as masky stopped talking to slender he started blushing. Maybe he loves masky. My heart broke with every thought of those two together. Oh shit he's walking over here I don't know to do. I'm about to cry. Before I knew it the tears started. I can't cry, I'm like one of the most feared killers. What the hell is wrong with me!

Slenderman POV

Oh no hes crying. Jeff .. Jeff why are you crying. Seeing him cry.. it made my heart sting I feel terrible. I didn't even think before I moved. Next thing I knew I was sitting in the grass holding the pale boy. "Jeff whats wrong why are you crying?"

   To be continued..

Hey my little love muffins I'll continue this I promise cause ... Well my best friend is forcing me to lol I hope y'all like it ...... Love your writer Cory B.

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