WHTL. Bonus! (ask me questions in the comments for my up coming Q & A!)

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Ok, so my last ‘normal’ chapter ended with me getting back with Andy after dumping him for the 1st time for Andrew S. (go read explanatory chapter if you are confused).

So now back on topic.

Our second time trying to date, and the time that lasted us threw everything else, was in fact magical.

Now, I could just skip through it all and only tell you all of the big facts and interesting need-to-know information..

But I’m not going to do this.

With Andy’s chapters, I want to take things slow

Live through it again

Remember all of the little times

I want to smile on every single line

And trace back to all of the teeny tiny things about our loving relationship that I still get a sense of nostalgia about today.

So I’m going to go month my month.

One chapter for each month we dated.

And we dated seven months.

My chapter after next will me ‘month one’ so this chapter is an introduction to all of these new writing techniques.

I also am interested in making a Q & A chapter which I will be the very next one after this. So be sure to leave comments on THIS chapter with questions for me. I will answer every single one, except for repeats which I will list everyone who asked me it.

So hurry and ask!!  <3

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