We stepped in and i of course took off my coat, he did too, keeping close to my side we dodged trough the people untill we reached the boys "wait ere" i said leaving him by the drink stand while i got the boys and luckly they werent busy with a girl "boys, I want you to meet Davy, an old close friend of mine" Davy looked really awkward but shook hands with each one as i said there names "this is John, Paul, George and Ringo" John gave me directions that he wanted me to go with him to talk about something "i'll be right back, make him welcome yeah boys?".

John took me outside and looked confused and a little angry "yes?" i asked wanting to be with Davy.

"You and him, wern't like together was ya?" i shook my head.

"really John but no why?" he smiled.

"Just asking" oh i see why..

I went back in and saw Davy was getting on well with the others "back, sorry John just wanted to ask something" Davy put his arm around me and smiled.

"So heard anything from Peter?" he shook his head looking kinda sad "so where your staying coz there aint no hotels for miles?" 'uh' he mimed "you can stay at mine for a while if you want" i went and got a drink then waited for his reply.

"Only if it's ok, i mean i don't wanna annoy ya or anything" i put down the glass and hugged him.

"Oh come on Davy we used to stay at each others house all the time, it'll be like old times.. you got any clothes or anything?" he shook his head.

"I lost my stuff, but don't worry i only had a few clothes and bits.. saying that i nearly forgot" he pulled a little flat box of his pocket and passed it to me "i hope you like it" i opened the box and my face lit up.

"Are you kidding me, you remembered the excat one i wanted.. thank you so much Davy" i hugged him tight and kissed him, this time on the lips

"Want me to help ya put it on?" i nodded and so he did.

I kissed him again, his arms were still around me and mine were still round him "i love you yaknow" i whispered "i love you too" he whispered back, we looked at each other and smiled, John and George both looked kinda angry that i had just kissed Davy but Paul just seemed a little disapointed

- An hour later -

"Attention, attention please.. i'll like to make an announcement if i can!" Brian shouted lightly tapping his glass with a spoon, everyone came together in the main room and began to listen "right, i hope everyones been having good time" everyone cheered and clapped "good. good, you all know our boys have been doing quite well and i am very pleased to announce that i have won them.. a brand new.." the all looked eagar to know what they have one and to be honest so was i "m.. mansion!" me and the boys all looked gob spacked, they were all looking at each other with massive grins on there face "and also there is a spare bedroom for someone special aye boys, so you can choose who that is in a minutes but i'd like you to call come sign this form and i'll give you keys.. by the way its fully furnished" John, Paul and George all rushed to sign but Ringo stayed back for a second, he stared at me and it felt really ackward.

"What?" i aksed.

"How about you" i looked confused.

"How about i what?" he smiled and took my hands, Davy stepped to the side with a smile on his face knowing what Ringo ment.

"Come live with us.. please"..

The boys all came back before i could make and answer all wanting Ringo to sign but he wanted a answer first "so will ya?" i looked at Davy then back to Ringo.

"Ask the others" and so he did

"What would you guys think of Claire staying with us?" the other all smiled.

"Oh please Claire" John and Paul begged.

"Do you guys want me to?" they all nodded frantically "well ok" they all came closer and we had a group hug.

"Right come with me" Ringo said holding my hand and he moved through the people to get to the contract.

"Does Claire have to sign or it just us?" he asked Brian who looked very proud .

"If shes gunna be the first person living there with you guys, then yes" me and Ringo both signed the contract before Brian held it up like a trophy, Ringo hugged me tight looking as happy as he could ever before before grabbing my hand again just to go back trough to the others.

"Wait guys, wheres Davy gonna go" i felt very guilty but not for long as Ringo made a suggestion.

"Well he could stay with us for while, if he wanted?" Davy shook his head.

"Oh no i couldn't do that, i mean you guys don't even know me and such" Ringo smiled.

"Don't matter, you seem an alright guy and as long as you two don't start messing about when were there then you'll be fine" i smacked Ringo's arm "what was that for?" he asking trying to be all innocent.

"You know.. now wheres the keys, lets go"...

"Wait wait wait wait!" Ringo shouted "i'll like to make a announcement" he found Zeta and grabbed her arm, then pulled her to the middle of the room.

"Ringo, what is it" he got down on one knee and my heart sunk.. oh no "Zeta.." i snuck out thinking no one noticed me but Ringo did, he looked sad and quickly gave Davy a nod to see why i walked but Davy didn't notice "wait.. i'll be back i just to get.. ah.. the ring.. its in my jacket, i'll be right back" I had gotten my coat and went back to the park, this was just what i needed

"Claire!" Ringo shouted running to me, i was crying i just wanted to go home so i ran as fast as i could away from Ringo until he gave up and went back to propose to Zeta, i came back to the house and looked in the window as everyone celebrated.. Paul noticed me and came outside.

"Come ere" he said and i rushed to him, he hugged me tightly, he pulled a beer out of his pocket and let me go "it's ok Addison, alright, go on home and get some sleep, ere" he walked to the fence and opened the bottle on the catch and offered it to me.

"Thanks, i don't want much" i took a quick sip and passed it back.

He hugged me again and kissed me "seen you soon love".

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