Chapter 2

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"Hey, Kuroko, I get that you have to dress like this for the mission....but why the hell am I dressed up like this?" Kagami voiced his clear dissatisfaction as he stared down at his own dark black and red yukata that was open at the top more to show his bare chest and some of his abs. Meanwhile, Kuroko bared a beautiful white and sky blue silky kimono, a closed parasol in his hands and light red lipstick on his plump lips.

"Because, Kagami-kun. Remember what the Empress said....?"


"Oh, and Taiga." Riko called out to the prince, Kagami ever so reluctantly turning around. He hated the tone. It meant she was up to something....And it was never good.

"Since you're going there too, you'll have to dress up as well. Kuroko-kun is a performer, so you'll have to be the manager of him. We know he does not need it, but for this particular part, he'll have your protection. Just act the part and listen for Information and all shall be well....."


"See?" Kuroko raised a brow as Kagami was still grumbling in protests as they rode in the carriage.


"Say, Aominecchi?" Kise leaned over to the ganguro beside him, who was eating maliciously like an animal at the banquet table. "Whaf fyu wran?" (What d'you want?)

"Such a beast." Midorima mumbled as he pushed up his glasses and ate neatly on Kisa's other side.

"Shaffup." (Shuddup) Aomine scowled back with food in his mouth, Kise sticking out his tongue with an "Ew" comment.

"Do you know what kind of entertainment we're getting? I heard for every ceremony, Emperor Akashicchi gets the best performances." Kise voiced one of the rumors he's heard by everyone around.

Midorima sighed, not wanting to hear Aomine food-talk again, and answered. "Yes indeed. It's always a surprise, though, so we all have no idea but Emperor Akashi, of course." He explained simply while Murasakibara nodded as well, mouth stuffed but in a slightly neater way than the tanned male.

The doors opened, revealing said Emperor. "Speak of the devil." Kise mumbled as he watched, Aomine adding "Literally" at the end as they watched the ruler stride in gracefully, everyone in the room immediately clapping in applause to greet him.

Soon enough, Akashi sat at the head of the table with the Generation of Miracles, nodding. As tradition, his glass was filled with wine and he raised it high. "To Kise Ryouta, the newest member of the Generation of Miracles Squad." He announced strongly as everyone followed his example. "To Kise Ryouta! Here here!" They chanted and drank a sip after the emperor.

There was then a soft knock at the main door, one of Akashi's top servants set up as the guard for tonight's party, Takao Kazunari, ran up to answer it. "Hello~" He sang as he opened it, eyes popping as he saw the beautiful mysterious kimono-wearer and the (have to say) handsome man beside. "We're the entertainment for tonight." Kagami said simply as Takao quickly nodded, letting them inside and leading them to the dining hall.

Takao opened the door first, everyone pausing to look at him, as well as Akashi's intense gaze.

The blackette gulped lightly before putting on a smile. "Th-The entertainment has arrived!" He cheered aloud as everyone else did as well. Akashi nodded in satisfaction as he saw three door open wider, both figures entering inside.

Aomine was still eating his food like a barbarian until he heard the door open. His eyes shot up once he heard "entertainment" and his eyes widened, dropping his food and mouth agape (luckily after swallowing his food). The first to come in was (in Aomine's thoughts' exact words) a mouth-watering sexy red headed male.

Okay, so Aomine likes boobs, which everyone in the Empire unfortunately knows. But, what most didn't know, was that Aomine was bisexual, and that that redhead was exactly his type.

Now it's time for the Emperor;

Akashi Seijuuro was indeed impressed with the first male's physique. But what caught his eye was when a beautiful figure walked in next: Lovely teal hair that Akashi would just love to run his hands through, gorgeous mysterious eyes that he could melt in, and plump pink lips that he could just practically taste and—

"Good evening. My name is Tetsuya and this is Taiga-kun." Kuroko said in a soft, smooth tone. He couldn't give away their last names, especially Kagami's, to reveal their true identities.

'Oh what a sweet voice.....' Akashi thought as he glanced back to his men. Kise was awing at the two "performers", Midorima was looking away as Takao was practically eye-fucking the glasses male, while Murasakibara could care much less and did. Besides them, though, the emperor could very easily notice that the ganguro male was drooling with his sights on the man labeled as "Taiga".

"We'll be performing a dance...." The tealette announced as he positioned himself in a pose, Kagami quickly moving to a pose as well. Right before he left, he was supposed to be the manager. But his father, the king, had decided otherwise and to make him do a dance as well with him.

'Damn old man....' Kagami huffed in his mind as he posed beside Kuroko. Akashi leaned forward in interest, heterochromic eyes flickering in amusement. He was intrigued indeed by the beautiful doll-like boy. Meanwhile, Aomine was crossing his arms, ceasing his eating as he never took his intense gaze off of Kagami. No one else (but the emperor) had really noticed, but Kagami definitely felt shivers up his spine from something.

The music began and the lights dim. Let the dance begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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