Chapter 2

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Barry and Bart ran through the city until they reached his house. Bart took in all of the sites. He had never seen a city like this before. Barry opened the front door and was about to walk in when he noticed Bart was still standing on the porch. "Bart?"

"It's so pretty..." He whispered.

Barry closed the door and went to stand by him. "What is?"

"The sunset..." Barry looked out and saw that sure enough the sun was setting "I've only ever seen drawings people had made at the camp. In the future there's so much ash and dust in the air that you can no longer see the sun." Barry stood out there with him until the sun had completely set.

They were about to go inside when the door opened. Iris smiled at Barry "I thought I heard the sound barrier being broken a few minutes ago."

Barry walked over to her and gave her a kiss "Hi sweetie!"

She looked over his shoulder and saw Bart smiling at her "Who's this?" she smiled back at Bart.

"Um..." Barry tried to think of an answer "Would you believe... our grandson from the future? And he can't go back so I thought... he could stay with us?"

She laughed "With your line of work I'd just about believe anything at this point." She smiled at Bart "Welcome to the family... what was your name again?"

"Uh... Bartholomew but" Barry noticed he was scratching at his wrist again "I usually just go by Bart."

Iris smiled at him "I always wanted to be a grandmother. I just thought I'd be a mother first..."

They all started laughing. Barry grabbed Bart's hand so he would stop scratching his wrist. "Iris Bart has a couple burns on his wrist that are starting to peel."

She nodded "When we get inside I'll get you some medicine." She opened the door and the three all went inside.

Once inside Bart couldn't stop looking around. Barry and Iris just watched him as he obsessed over the house. Iris blushed as he kept going on about how clean she kept the house "Why thank you Bart! If you want there's a shower up stairs so you can clean up. When you're finished the guest bedroom is right across the hall. I'll see if I can find some of Wally's old clothes from when he'd stay the night for you to wear until we can get you some of your own."

"Thanks..." Before she knew what was happening he ran over to her and gave her a big hug. A second later he ran upstairs into the bathroom.

Iris laughed "Well he defiantly has your speed..."

Once in the Bathroom Bart closed the door in opened his bag. He couldn't bring much with him but he had taken what he needed. He had the pill Nathanial gave him to stop Neutron, an extra pair of clothes, his history book of course, and lastly an old picture of his family before he was born. In the back stood Iris, Barry, and Wally. On one side stood Max Mercury and on the other Jay and Joan Garrick. And lastly in the middle sat the toddler version of his dad and aunt. He smiled as he put the picture and the book back into his bag. He then took off his suit and got into the shower.

While they had been downstairs Barry had told Iris everything that Bart had said about the future. By the time he was finished she was almost in tears. "The poor boy..." she decided that she would go up and put some medicine on his wrists. "Bart?" she slowly opened the door "I wanted to give you some medicine so the..." she stopped in the door way as she and Bart met eyes.

He had already changed into an old pair of Wally's sweatpants and had a T-shirt in his hands. Iris dropped the bottle of medicine and gauze while putting her hands over her mouth in shock. His pale torso was littered with scars, burn marks, and even some open wounds. The most disturbing was a cut that started on either side of his neck then straightened out going down his stomach. She also noticed that he was very thin which is never good for a speedster. They have a very high metabolism therefore need a lot more food than regular humans.

Iris picked up the medicine from the floor. She couldn't believe that any one could do something like that to a child. "Um... sorry... I-I should have knocked..."

Bart shook his head and put on the T-shirt. "It's ok..."

Iris looked down at the bottle in her hand. She had only brought enough for a small burn. "Um... well... it looked like you had a few more open wounds and... well you don't want those to get infected. I have some more medicine downstairs..." she pointed out the door and Bart nodded.

Bart followed Iris down the stairs and into the kitchen where Barry was drinking some coffee at the table. He looked up "Hey Bart! You hungry?"

Bart scratched at his wrist "Um... well... I don't want to be a bother..."

"Yes!" Barry looked up at Iris who had come back with more medicine. "Bart needs to eat something right now!"

Barry gave her a questioning look "Ok... I'll order all of use a few pizzas..." he pulled out his phone and started making the order.

Iris pulled out a chair from the table "Sit here Bart I'm almost ready..."

He nodded as Barry hung up the phone "The pizza should be here in a few minutes." He looked over at Iris who had come back with the entire first aid kit. "Iris... it's just a couple burns... I don't think you need the whole first aid kit..."

She ignored him and pulled out everything from the kit. She then looked to Bart who had been watching her the whole time. "You can take your shirt off now Bart..." Barry just gapped at him as he saw all of the scars across his chest. Iris picked up a cotton ball and poured some medicine on it. "This might sting a bit..." she warned. He nodded and closed his eyes. As she touched the cotton to the wound his let out a small hiss. Iris cleaned and bandaged everything on his chest. "Ok Bart can you turn around for me?"

Iris wasn't exactly sure what to expect on his back. Barry told her about the brand but she defiantly wasn't expecting what she did see. At the base of his shoulders was the brand but bellow that was what caught their attention. Open and still bleeding wounds covered his back they looked all most like... lashings... A tear dripped from Iris' eyes as she slowly started to clean the many whip mark. Bart would let out a hiss every once and a while if she pressed too hard.

By the time Iris was done with him Bart looked like he was going as a mummy for Halloween. When iris looked down at her hands she saw that they were covered in blood. She had never had to do anything like that before...

The doorbell rang and Bart looked up with a start. He'd never heard a doorbell before. Barry stood up "That must be the pizza..."

Iris finished tying the last bandage. "Ok Bart you can put your shirt back on now. I'm just going to go clean up..." he nodded and slipped the T-shirt back over his head. Until now she hadn't realized that it was much too big for him. And that had been a shirt from when Wally was ten...

Barry walked back into the room "The pizza's here!" he set the boxes on the counter then put one in front of Bart.

Bart looked up at him "For... me?"

Barry and Iris glanced at each other "Of course..." Barry knelt in front of him "I know where you come from things are a lot different. I know you've been through a lot. But you're with us now... we won't let anything happen to you."

A tear started to come to Bart's eyes "Promise?"

Barry nodded "Promise..." Bart latched on to him and hugged him as tight as he could. Barry put his hand on his back as Bart started to cry. Iris walked over to them and joined the hug. At that moment both Barry and Iris agreed they would never let anything hurt him again even if it was the last thing they did...

(A/N - Sorry I updated so late. Usually I update Fridays right after school cuz I'm so bored :) I hope you liking this story so far. I think it's going to have something like 6 chapter so it will be fairly short but don't worry I am going to have an ending for it. :) I hope you liked it and see you next weekend! Stay crash and don't feel the mode!)

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