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Title: Phantom
Author: seasidestyles

the tragic love story of a sad girl and dead boy who must work together to find his killer amid heartbreak, mystery, and learning perhaps death is not the end.

My Review:
Let me just start off by saying that if you're worried about this being a fan fiction or about Harry Styles, CALM YOURSELF AND READ ON. This alternate universe is.... really alternate. Literally the only that is the same about this fictional Harry Styles and the real one, is his name and face.
Okay, now that we cleared that up, I AM GOING TO TELL YOU HOW IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK I AM. I read it in two days (less than 24 hours though) because I'm having finals and stuff and had to get sleep blah blah blah (minor details). Nevertheless, since we are allowed to bring ipads to school, I sneaked the story whenever I could. This book develops so beautifully and the plot is sooooo good and original. I also give it points because it has a really good moral. The story doesn't have many--if any-- grammar mistakes (WHICH IS GREAT OMG) and is written so well that I want to rip my legs out while reading it (seems intense but... yeah). SO READ IT.

PS- PHANTOM HARRY STYLES IS MINE AND I CALL DIBS SOOOOO... ALSO I JUST FINISHED THE BOOK AND I WON'T SPOIL THE ENDING BUT OH MY GOD. (Tess, I love and hate you for this but it's okay because the love outweighs the hate.)


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