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I feel the wind in my hair as Claire and I run through the forest. I feel a huge smile on my face. This part of the day is my favorite. Just running through the forest. I look over and see Claire's dirty blonde hair wild in the wind. I see the river in the distance knowing we have to stop. I pull on my hood and fix my hair so it drops over my shoulders. We stop to a halt right at the edge of the bridge. Looking around to see if we can see the guys. We spot them just next to the river. It was warm outside so they were in their swim suits. I look at Claire as we strip and leave our clothes only wearing bras and underwear. We yell to the boys as we jump off the bridge, I hit the water hard as I feel a sting on my legs. I swim up to the surface of the water. I call to the guys.

"Guys! Jump from the bridge it's so amazing!" I say slowly swimming back to the edge of the water. I get out of the water only to realize, my bra is in my bag. I'm not wearing a bra and all the guys can see. I quickly jump back into the water embarrassed.
"Don't look and bring me my bra from my bag!" I yell to Adam.
I see him turn around and nod.
Adam has dirty blonde hair, similar to Claire's. But his eyes.
God his eyes
They can make your heart beat a mile a minute.
His body is amazing. So defined, but not perfect.
He's the nicest guy in the world but he has a dirty and bad side.

Keith has brown hair and brown eyes. He has a stunning body, and he never wears a shirt. It's funny actually. In the winter he wears jeans and a sweater or jacket but no shirt so his abs show.

Mike, mike is different. Mike is a blonde , he has the perfect hair. It's so soft, like silk. And it's styled in just the right way. Mike has a bit of a beard but it's not a full bushy beard. Mike is a something. Mike is just really something. He likes to mess around. He's dirty and he swears, well we all swear but he swears the most. He likes to tease. He's a pretty nice guy but he REALLY likes to get on your nerves.

James is sweet. James doesn't like to get involved with the bad stuff we do. James is usually the one who tells us what could go wrong. He has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. James is the person you talk to when you have a problem and you need to fix it. Even though James is a goody goody, his family sucks. He's a nice boy with a checkered past. It sounds like it sucks but when you have family problems. James will be there, when you cry and when you don't understand what's going on. James will be there for you. He will listen to every single word you have to say.

Shawn is the one who convinces everyone to do the bad stuff. We come up with ideas but he's the one who really convinces people. His parents have already set up a plan for his life. And I'm in it. We're supposed to get married, and have 2kids. He's gonna be a lawyer while I cook and clean around the house. But Shawn knows I'm so much more then that. He's the guy that I've known the longest. Ever since 2nd grade we've been friends. We try to explain that I'm so much more to his parents and that we're not gonna get married. But they don't do shit. They don't give a fuck about what I want. And the worst part is my mom agreed to have us marry. My parents accepted the plan.

I see Adam jump down from the bridge holding my bra in his hand. His slash could empty the whole river. He swims up from under the water. His hair covering his eyes as he tosses me my bra and I slip it on. I finally get out of the water and climb back up on the bridge. I see Mike and Keith talking about how their gonna jump.
Their standing right on the edge, they can be pushed at any second. I run at them and they split up leaving me a hole to run through and fall off the bridge. But I grab their hands and pull them in with me. I hear mikes scream as Keith's hand starts to shake as we slam into the water. This is amazing. We climb back onto shore lying on our backs laughing. Laughing at everything.

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