(H2OMcQuaid) - I miss you. Why did you have to go?

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"Bryce?!?!" Jonathan yells, frantically shaking the fragile and unconscious body of his boyfriend.

Jonathan quickly rushes downstairs and grabs the wireless telephone and calls for 911.


"I'm sorry... we tried everything. But we couldn't find out what was wrong with him." The doctor tells me sadly.

"Are... are you really sure? Did you recheck everything?!" Jonathan yells.

"Yes, sir, I have. But we really couldn' find anything. Upon searching for what was wrong with him, all we could conclude was that he wouldn't live past a month. I'm sorry." she explains.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me! Nononono. I can't lose him..." Jonathan yells, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm very sorry." she says, "Sir, what are you to him?"

"His..." Jonathan sniffs. "his boyfriend..."

"I see. I'll allow you to stay here by him. Goodnight sir." she says then leaves the room.

Jonathan sits on the chair beside bryce's bed.

Bryce starts to wake up.

Jonathan grabs Bryce's hand. "H-hey Bryce..." Jonathan shakily says.

"Jonny? What's wrong with me?" Bryce asks worriedly.

"They... they don't know. All..." Jonathan starts to tear up again. "all they know is that you wouldn't last past a month.

"Well... let's make it the best month of our life." Bryce says, smiling proudly, as if he wasn't gonna die.


"You told me ge was going to last for a fucking month! Not two-fucking-weeks!" Jonathan yells at the doctor.

"Sir... I-I'm sorry. This was very unexpected." she says.


Jonathan runs the moment the funeral ends. He doesn't want to be there abymore.

Luke yells his name.

But Jonathan doesn't turn back.

He takes Luke's car and drives himself home.

He doesn't care. He doesn't want to anymore...


Loud, heavy, and short knocks can be heard. Jonathan snaps back to reality.

"Hey Jon... we're visiting Bryce again today. We're also going now. You coming?" the voice of his brother coming through the door.

"Yes... please..." Jonathan quickly says. He pulls his hood up, takes his phone. Takes a deep breath.

Slowly, opens the door and leaves his room.

Luke immediately pulls Jonathan into a hug.

"Don't fucking hug me." Jonathan growls then coughs.

"Sorry man. I'm just glad you're coming. You never went us to visit Bryce anymore." Luke says.

"He's been gone for eight months." Jonathan mutters.

"You've always went with us for the first six months... then you just stopped wanting to go. For no reason."

"I want to change. Move on. Like Bryce wanted me to."

Luke smiles. "That's good to hear. Come on. Let's go."

"Flowers in the car?"

"The usual sunflowers and white roses."


Jonathan smiles a little. He thinks about Bryce. But the good memories this time. The good times they had.

"Hey Jonny?"

Jonathan glances to his brother as they get in the car.

"Glad to see you smiling again."


Jonathan gets out of the car. As does Luke. They both take out the bouquet of flowers. Bearing white roses and a few sunflowers.

They meet up with Evan and Brock at the grave.

"The rest couldn't come along because they had work." Brock says.

"Jonny." Evan quietly says.

Jonathan stares at him. "What?"

"Glad to see you out of your room after 2 months."

"Shut up. I wanna change."


"Bye Brock! Bye Evan!" Luke half-yells as he waves to the two. Waving as well. Then walking to their car. Heading home.

"Come on Jonny." Luke says.

"Wait in the car. I'll be there. I want to say a few things since I didn't get to eight months ago." Jonathan replies.

"Whatever you want man." Luke says with a shrug and walks away.

Jonathan sits down on the grassy ground and faces Bryce's grave.

"Bryce... I miss you. Why did you have to go?" Jonathan quietly says. "But at this point... I guess it was inevitable."

He breathes in deeply. Then out. He holds back his tears.

"I still remember what you told me a day before you were gone. 'Whatever happens to me after 2 more weeks. Move on. For me. I can't bear to see you cry. I want you to be happy. For my sake. I love you.' I miss you Bryce. So much. And I will. I'll move on. I'll be happier. For your sake. I have to go now. Luke's waiting for me in the car... until next month Bryce."

Jonathan gets up. Smiles, while looking down on the grave.

He will keep his promise to Bryce.

He heads back to Luke's car.

And goes home happier than when he first left.

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