The Invitation

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On the morning of the fifteenth of January, I received a call.

“What could it be?” I wondered as I looked at my phone. It just said unknown number. I rarely received calls from unknown people. Or should I say, never? I don't give strangers my phone number. I don't have any childhood friends whose number I haven't saved - not like I even have much. I never took any loans so this can never be the bank sending me a warning. I shivered as that thought crossed my mind. Being in debt is not something I want to do again.

After a hesitating for a few seconds, I sigh and pick up the phone.


"Hello, Lydia?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"Hey! It's me, Ashley Williams. Remember? We were in high school together. We were even best gym buddies!" A sickly sweet voice comes out from the other side of the phone and then I remember. Ohhh, that Ashley. It was the Ashley that made my high school life a living hell. She used to steal my notes, vandalize my locker, cut my ponytail, to name a few. I feel like laughing when she says "the best gym buddies". What the hell? Back when I used to weigh a lot, Ashley would throw basketballs right in my stomach and say that I need to lose weight. So why the hell is that Ashley calling me? 

As if she heard my question, Ashley says "Hey, I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I don't have your sister's number so that's why I called. Say I said congratulations to your sister. I'm sorry but I can't come to the wedding. I'm quite busy".  

"Wait, wait, wait, what? Wedding? My sister? What the hell are you talking about?" I ask. What is she talking about? Did she call the wrong number? I wonder as I look at my phone.

"Are you not Lydia Winchester?" she asks, confusion lacing her voice. I can picture her frowning at the other end of the phone.

"I AM Lydia Winchester. And what the hell do you mean by 'my sister is getting married'?"

"Isn't she? Don't you know? Your sister Isabella and Joseph are getting married. It is this weekend actually" she says. Wait, what? Did I hear that correctly? Isabella and Joseph?

"Joseph? Which Joseph?" I ask and my heart starts to beat frantically. Please don't be him. Please don't be him. I mutter again and again in my head.

"Don't you know? Joseph Markham. He went to our high school. He's...ummm...the guy you chased around during school" she says. My heart stops beating. Shock is the first thing that is registered in my mind. How in the world? What the hell? This can’t be possible. Joseph and Isabella? Of all people...him? Why? When? How? A million questions floated in my mind as shock and anger rushed to my heart. I felt the blade of betrayal stab my back a million times. How can they? How can they go behind my back and... Oh my god. How long have I been in the dark? Was he with her when he was with me? Did he break up with me because of her? Why...? Why is it my sister and ex?

"Hey, are you alright?" Ashley asks, bringing me out of my shock.

"Yeah...ummm...this is news to me actually" I say and I stop. I couldn't continue speaking. It feels like my airways have been squeezed shut. I start gasping for air.

"Well, I'll send you a picture of the invite. Oh well...ummm...then bye!" I squeeze my eyes shut. No way. No way. This can't be possible. Ashley is probably screwing with my mind. No...No...

A beep sounds from my phone. I turn to look at it. With shaking hands, I press the message sent by Ashley. It is a picture of a card. The card is white, with golden designs on top. In the center of it is a blob of black cursive writing. I squint my eyes and zoom into the picture to read the words.

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