Chapter Two ¤ Reunion

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"Do not go to that door," Castiel instructed, "He can wait until I am done here."

"You left me for eighteen years Castiel!" she shot at him, spinning around, "Don't start telling me what to do."

Castiel only nodded, not wanting to argue with the chosen one. When she knew he wouldn't protest she pushed herself off the hardwood flooring and made her way to the door.

"Hey Chris." she tried to smile as she opened the door and wiped her eyes.

"Hey Gen, is everything okay?" he asked, looking over her shoulder and stared questioning at Castiel who stood perfectly still.

"Yeah, everything's fine, just a power outage."

"Who's that?" he nodded at the angel now staring down at the green apple and spinning it in his hand.

"He's just a," she hesitated as she looked at Castiel and then back to Chris, "He's an old friend who's just visiting."

"Oh, okay, well I was checking on you, I saw your lights go out and heard a loud noise."

"Thanks for your kindness Chris, but I really am fine."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." she waved as she shut the red door.

"I didnt know I was a friend." Castiel said, still looking down at the apple.

"You're not, not anymore. What do you want?" she growled and crossed her arms.

"I've come because you called me." he replied simply.

Her anger towards him had boiled over and she stormed over to Castiel, pointing a finger at him. "I've been praying to you for eighteen years, eighteen years Cas! It's been a month since I lost faith in you! So don't you dare, don't you, don't lie to me." she sobbed the last sentence.

"I am sorry." he said, his voice flat with no emotion as he stared at the girl.

"Don't say you're sorry." she hissed, "Tell me the real reason you're here."

"Very well, you're in danger."

"Castiel stop-"

"I won't lie to you anymore." he cut in. She looked at him with red eyes and nodded, signaling for him to continue. "You're in danger Genesis, you should not have called out to me. You've made yourself known to the other forces."

"What other forces?" she sniffed.

"Lucifer is rising, Revelations' apocalypse is starting. Now that the demons know you exist they will stop at nothing to drag you to Hell."

"Why me? Why am I so special?" she stammered, beginning to shake.

"You have the gift of hearing the true voices of angels and being able to hear them all. The demons could use that against us." 

"Why would you not tell me this sooner?"

"I did, when you were a baby I told your mother of the powers you held, but she was scared of the unknown and tried to find a way to cure you. Since then I was told not to make contact with you for it would draw attention, I did not want to but I was given direct orders."

Genesis stood there, too numb to know what to do; she had always thought the angel had abandoned her because she pushed him away. Now, she stared at the one angel she had prayed to every night, he had finally returned after eighteen years.

"You, you couldn't have-" her voice failed her again as she stepped closer to the suit clad angel, "You couldn't have sent me one word, a sign, telling me that you were still there, that you hadn't left me?" By now she stood only a foot away from him and she had to look up slightly to see his face. "I had  trusted you Castiel, you built my faith in you and then you just-"

"I know, and I apologize for any grief I brought upon you." he replied gently.

"Just please don't disappear on me again." she begged.

"I have been ordered to stay here until it is safe for you to be alone, so I cannot leave you."

As if to make sure he was telling the truth, and to tell her mind he was real, she reached out and took a hold of part of his trench coat; she rolled the smooth material around her fingers, not looking up Castiel. He didn't say a word, but stood there and let her fiddle with his vessel's coat.

Finally, when she was satisfied, she slowly looked up and whispered, "I want to trust you again, Castiel, help me regain my faith in you."

"I'll do my best." he replied flatly and looked down at her.

"Thank you." she whispered, and turned to go up the stairs leading to her bedroom.

Castiel watched her go, his emotions hidden inside, he knew what he had done to her. He had mentally kicked himself for years for not sending her one last note before he had to leave. Now he stood at the entrance to her kitchen, unable to leave, unable to express how sorry he really was.

Looking down at the bruised apple all he could manage to do was say, "You're welcome, Genesis Hopper."

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