Chapter 6 - Sisterly love

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My soft paws collided with the cool ground as I jumped back out the window and started running. The cool night breeze flowing through my fur as I ran. I had to help my sister. I ran back to the alleyway where I had shifted. Good my clothes were still here.

I shifted back to my human form and got dressed. I put my underwear and my bra on and then black skinny jeans and a flowly blue shirt. Nice. Now for revenge. I opened my moon shaped necklace and green dust floated out. "Take me to them" I ordered and the green dust splitters into two. I followed the path closest to me first,  walking in the middle of the road as my magic lead to me to a big house. A nice Holden sat out the front of the two story building. I smirked as I walked towards the door.

I brought my right hand up to the door and knocked gently. Enough for someone to hear me but not enough to smash the door. The door opened and I was greeted by a lady. Mid thirties probably. "Oh are you looking for my son?" She asked and I gave her a small smile, "yes I am" I said and she stepped aside and let me in. "He's just upstairs in his room dear" she says and I smile and walk up the stairs.

I didn't need to ask where his room was. The smell of pizza and body odour was enough. Humans are so gross. I knock on the door and I hear a grunt from the other side. "Mum I said I....well hello there beautiful" the boy says as he leans against the door frame. His jeans rested below his waist, showing his underwear line and his torso was completely bare showing hard abs. "Hi" I said stepped closer and giving him a sexy smile. "What are you doing here?" He asks smirking at me. "I'm new to school. A girl said you were good at getting to know people. I was hoping you could help me find some friends" I said and he so easily bought it. "Why don't you come in and we can organise some sort of arrangement" he says pushing his door open wider and I walk past him with a smirk on my face. What an idiot.

"What's your name?" He asks as he closes he's door and turns around to face me. "Call me Hex" I said and I starred around his room. It was relatively clean for a teenage boys room although there was a dirty pile of washing in the corner. "What a nice name. Well I'm Derek" he says and I turn around and smile at him. He places his hands in his front pockets as he steps closer to me. "So what do I get if I help you get some friends?" He asks now standing right in front of me. "Whatever you want" I said staring back up at him. "Oh yeah?" He asks and I nod. "That's what I like to hear" he says and I go to kiss him but he steps back. "Woah love. Don't you know you need to warm a guy up before you go to kiss him? " he says. Boys. "Oh right" I said and I push him into the bed before straddling his waist. I kiss up his body and hear him moan quietly as I bite his neck  I bring my lips up close to his and kiss him. His hands go to my waist and he starts trying to move my hips so I grind on top of him. I kiss him deeply before pulling away and standing up. "Where are you going?" He asks and I look over my shoulder at him, "all I needed was a kiss. Have a good day at school" I said before walking out of his room and then out of his house. Where's my next target?

I wander the streets until my little green spark leads me to another house. The front yard had perfect green grass and lovely flowers decorating the outline of the house and path. I walk up onto the porch and knock on the wooden door. A girl, around 16 opens the door. "Who the hell are...." I cut her off with a kiss. I was tired and I wanted this over with. She pushed me away and I smiled at her. "You ugly little lesbian" she yells and I smirk. " you're as pretty as your personality" I said and turned to walk away. "You freak!" She yells and I turn around and look at her, "oh honey, have a good hard look in the mirror tomorrow. Every curse needs a kiss" I say before disappearing off into the night. That'll teach them a lesson not to mess with my sister.

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