"Mummy I dont want to listen to this! Can you turn to something else?" Edward groaned. I heard a slapping sound then Elleah's voice. "I like mummy's voice!" Edwards whispered a bad word quietely making me shut the music off.

"Edward Phillip I heard that! That deserves a time out mister." I forcefully said. He pouted saying how sorry he was but he still got a time out. I parked the car and walked to the backstage door.

The security stopped me and asked for identification, which I gladly showed him. We all shuffled into the stadium. The crew were all running around trying to make things perfect. Some fans were already let in to here my soundcheck.

The kids ran on stage making the fans aww. I giggled before making my appearance.

"Emma I love you!"

I smiled waving at everyone while scolding Eden for hitting Edward. Someone wrapped their arms around my waist. "Hello babe." He whispered into my ear. I blushed and put in my hearing piece.

Niall turned me around and slowly kissed my lips. He placed his hands on my stomach. "She is getting so big in there. Only 4 more months till she is here!" I nodded ushering the kids off the stage. A person handing me a microphone and the first song started.

"Look it into the stars and see. The beauty inside me-"


The concert was over and the kids were asleep in their rooms. Niall made me lay on the couch so he could rub my feet. A moan left my mouth when he got the soft spot.

"I love you darling." Niall whispered. I started to doze off. He got off the couch and placed the blanket over me. The warm blanket made me fall asleep imnediately.


"Mummy I want more milk! I want to be a strong football player." Edward whined. I poured more milk into his glass before sitting down again.

Elleah was playing with her food, something was wrong. "Leah what is the problem?" I asked. She pushed her plate away and crossed her arms.

"I dont feel good. My tummy hurt lots and lots!"

I stood up and walked over to her. I placed my hand on her forehead to get a glimpse of how hot she was. Much expected her head was on fire.

"Its seems like Ms. Leah has the stomach flu. You wont be going to school today." I said.

She nodded and climbed the stairs, probably to lay down. I turned to look at the other to kids behind me. Eden looked at me then back at Edward.


They shook their heads and ran to get their backpacks. My neighbor Lisa carpools for my kids, which I appreciate very much. She has 5 kids; 3 with a previous marriage.

Her oldest is a girl named Piper and she is a Junior in High School. Next is Greg and he is a Sophmore. Her third daughter died of cancer at a young age. She never talked about her but I know its a soft spot.

The death of the child left her and her husband in dismay. He would start coming home at 3 am with different ladies while Lisa would be here passed out from crying. After a few years she gave up and filed for divorce. Piper didnt take it very well at all. She started going to parties, getting drunk and having sex. One day she came to me with a pregnancy scare.

After telling Lisa about this she went off on Piper. Hurtful things were said making Dan get custody of her. Lisa regrets the day she laid her hands on that girl.

A few months later she met Kris, her current husband. They had twin boys named Kyle and Danny. Both boys are in the second grade which I think is really cute.

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