Dinner Date

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Happy Reading:)




Lily's POV


We drove for about ten minutes and we were in complete silence until we got to a block of flats. We finally parked up at his apartment and we both got out. He showed me up to his apartment and when we went in it looked so tidy, it was un-believable.


"I thought guys were supposed to be a real mess?" I said as I closed the door behind us.


"That's a horrible steriotype," He chuckled.


"Just like girls being tidy, because I am far from it," I chuckled.


"I would have never guessed that, you seem neat in the way you dress," He shrugged walking into the kitchen.


"Thanks, if you get to know me you'll learn that I'm not tidy at all, and the way I dress will change to my work clothes," I smiled following him.


"Okay, now go into the living room and let the master work his magic," He smiled.


"Cocky aren't we?" I smiled back at him.


"Nope, just expressing my talents to a pretty young lady," He said.


"I'm not pretty and I bet you are a good cook, well I've lived off of micro meals and take outs for quite a while or my mums food but that isn't much better," I smiled.


"Now let's take you through to the dining room seen as you won't leave me alone, when I'm trying to surprise you so we can talk through the serving hatch," He said before showing me through to the dining room were he left me to sit before going back to kitchen. Now I could see him though the serving hatch but i couldn't see the oven or the work service.


I had never really had a guy cook for me. We would always eat out, because I can't cook to save my life hense why I haven't moved out yet nor can I afford my own house.


"What do you want to drink Lily?" He asked through the serving hatch.


"I don't mind," I smiled.


"Red wine?" He asked.


"Okay then thank you," I smiled back.


"Here you go," He said passing it to me once he had poured it out.


"Thanks," I smiled taking a sip.


After an hour we had a few hours talking just about our day. He then told me to close my eyes which I did as he brought the food in. I heard him fumbling around and some clattering.


"Ash are you okay?" I asked.


"Yeah, keep your eyes shut," He said and after a few more minutes of crashes and bangs it all went silent until her heard a tap in front of me.


"Open your eyes," He stated.


I opened my eyes to see him sitting opposite me at the table. There was a gold table cloth with white place mats and coasters. There was a gold candle stick in the middle with two white candles in it. We both had a glass of wine and a lovely plate of food. It was some type of stake with salad and potatoes. A tear came to my eye and then I just burst into tears.


"Lily, if you don't like it I'll cook something else," Ash said standing up.


"No, it's not that, I love it, no one has ever done anything like this for me before," I cried wiping away my tears.


"Oh," He said shocked sitting down.


"Sorry, for crying, it's just no one has ever done anything like this for me," I smiled.


"Well you deserve it Lily, your a great girl," Ash smiled taking my hand in his.


"Your a great guy," I smiled widely.


"thanks," he smiled as he began to eat. I did the same and it was so good and definaitly better than my mums cooking and ready meals that I had to live off of.


"Ash this is so nice," I smiled taking another bite.


"I enjoy cooking," He smiled back.


"I don't know how to," I said.


"It's easy, maybe I'll teach you how to cook something one day," He chuckled.


We finished eating and went into the living room.


"Lily, my brother is on video call want to talk to him?" He smiled.


"No but I'll sit to the side and watch you guys," I chuckled as he accepted the video call on his laptop.
























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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2012 ⏰

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