Customer Service (Gracie)

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I swear if one more person asks me if we sell books I’m going to scream. This is Barnes and Noble, and no, we don’t sell books. Who the hell makes that call? And who doesn’t know Barnes and Noble is a bookstore. Granted we sell other stuff too, but mainly books. Listen, I love reading and I love books, but I never though working at this place would be so irritatingly. I love the company and all, but some of the customers are just plain stupid.

Another day, another overly humid day, in the city. You see, I’m not normally this cranky, but when it’s hot out and the sun keeps getting in my eyes, I have a problem. In fact, I have a feud with the sun. Anytime I drive anywhere in this God-forsaken city, the sun is beating in my eyes. I’d be much happier in a place that is overcast. Actually part of this odd rage against the sun probably has to do with the fact that I wear glasses. You don’t have many cool options for sunglasses when you’re nearsighted. Unless they’re prescription that is.

Enough of my senseless rambling. I was headed into work on this irritating Friday afternoon, driving about a half hour from the college I attend, because some stupid teenager calls in because she broke her nail or some other dumb excuse. Needless to say, I was not the happiest of people. Then I got to the store to find it packed! Who goes to buy books on a Friday afternoon?! I mean, half of those people can’t read in the first place! The literacy rate in America is horrible. At least it seems that way from my spot behind the counter.

I was working the help desk, answering calls and directing people where to go for the objects they were searching for. My co-worker, Scott, was chatting it up with this little old lady who’d stopped to ask about buying a Nook.

“Scott,” I said, gesturing him over. He followed orders, smiling politely. “I realize we need to have great customer service, but I have a line of people here waiting and the Nook counter is over there. Send her to David, he can help her.”

“Gracie, you need to chill out.” He went back over to the lady and I saw him point out David.

The phone rang in front of me and I picked it up. “Barnes and Noble, how can I help you?”

“You guys sell books, right?”

I clenched my jaw, and I could feel the anger rising up inside of me. It took as much self-control as I could muster to answer politely. “Yeah, that’s what we’re known for.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end. “How about movies?”

“Excuse me?”

“Do you guys sell movies?”

I was dumbfounded. Was this guy going to ask about everything we sell. “Yes, sir. We sell books, movies, television shows, magazines, games, and so much more. You can check out our website at”

“Hold on, let me get a pen.”

REALLY?! How hard was to remember?! It’s two flippin’ letters! I sighed and waited as I heard him shuffling things around on his end of the phone.

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