When God Gives You Another Chance

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*Appears with two wolves* I told you I would be back didn't I. *Smirks and pets my two wolves* Now it's time for the next chapter hope you like also that picture up there is Levi the bad ass boy doesn't he look sweet.. Well think again don't ever judge a book by its cover because levi there isn't sweet that much you'll see what i'm talking about. *Smiles and bows*

Don't forget that thoughts are italic. *Click my heels together and salute* Until next time! *Smiles and disappears in a tornado of cherry blossom petals with my wolves* 


_Last Chapter_

"Shh! Keep your voice down! You know zombies are attracted to noise!" Paulina yelled whispered.

"Augha!" We heard. It sounded like a lot of them was heading our way.

"We have to get out of here" Tuan whispered closing the classroom door and locking it with the key he got off the dead teacher.

"Yea tuan is right maybe we can get a car" Qudarius suggested.

"We would have to go to the teacher lounge to get a pair of keys" Rico said and sits on the teachers desk.

"There's lots of them though" Amari stated.

"We only have one gun too"Zaire say.

"Rico, Nichole, Paulina, Deonte, and Kenny search the room for anything we can use as a weapon the rest of you barricade the door" Travis said like a leader.

"Marisa are you ok?" Kevin asked.

I nodded not looking at kevin. I stayed in haru's arms scared that if I let go I would be caught by another one of those creatures.

_Let us continue_

~Tamika's POV~

"Did she pick up?" Corey whispered with concern in his voice.

"No.....I hope they're ok" I replied.

Me and Corey was now in the girls bathroom. We don't know what was going on out there, but people just started eating other people so we came in here. I tried calling my sister marisa, but she didn't pick up.

"Do you think that the same thing is happening over there?" Corey asked.

"Maybe, but I hope not" I replied and sighed.

"We have to get out of here" Corey said.

"I know, but those things will attack us and we won't be able to defend ourselves" I said.

Corey sighed and looked outside the bathroom door. " We can't stay here forever" He said closing the door and locking it.

"I know...I'll try calling Marisa again" I said and quickly called her number. It ranged 3 times before she picked up.

"Hello?" She said. She sound like she's been crying.

"Are you all ok?" I asked quickly.

"Y-yea.....do you know what's happening?" She asked.

"No all I know is that people are eating each other like wild animals" I replied.

"Same her..." She said softly.

"Where are you all right now?" I asked.

"Still in the school" She said.

"I found a computer" Someone said on the phone.

"Can we use it?" Marisa asked.

"I don't know..." Someone said.

"A computer...They can hack into your phone and help us out of here" Corey said.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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