Chapter Two

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"Rarity!" I cried as I ran toward her. She turned around, and looked me in the eyes. Or, lack thereof. Her eyes were a very pale grey. Her mane was now a pale purple. She had become a Trotter! I screamed and backed away. She however, slowly stalked towards me. Her mouth opened, and she smiled. Usually sweetly. "Join me, darling." She said. She still had the same voice as when she was alive which I'll admit, was the creepiest thing I have ever seen. "N- no." I said. My voice shaky. I looked to my side, and saw I had my saddlebag on. I opened it, and pulled the gun out. Turning the safety off, I pointed it at the zombified Rarity. Tears stinging my eyes. "D- don't make me do this." I said. My lip quivering. She began laughing. The scariest laugh I had ever heard filled my ears and echoed through the black void. Once it died down, I pointed the gun in the air and was about to fire a warning shot when, click. The gun was out of bullets! My zombified sister lunged at me. I screamed. But before she could sink her teeth into me, I awoke.

My coat glistening with sweat. My breathing erratic. Twilight jolted awake looking to me. "What's wrong?!" She asked panicked. I hugged her tightly sobbing lightly into her chest. She ran her hoof through my mane. "It's OK. I've had bad dreams too." She cooed sweetly. "I- I had a dream Rarity became one of those... Things." I said. Tears welling up in my eyes. "It's OK." She said holding me close. I then felt a stirring behind me. I looked back, and saw Applebloom waking up. She yawned and rubbed her eyes with a hoof trying to wake herself up. I smiled softly. I then heard hooves clip-clopping down the hallway. Sketchy rounded the corner into the kitchen. Rainbow Dash came in right behind him. She looked him in the eyes. Sketchy gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Good morning." She cooed with a smile. Sketchy ran a hoof over her cheek lovingly. "Good morning." He replied in the same caring voice, and kissed her cheek. Twilight smiled. "Wow, Rainbow. I didn't know you could be so affectionate." She giggled. Rainbow blushed hard. "I- I'm not!" She said. Twilight rolled her eyes chuckling. "Sure." She said. "Maybe I am! But I love him!" She said holding Sketchy close. He smiled and nuzzled her. "Who's hungry?" He asked in a sing-song tone. Twilight, Applebloom, and I made our way into the kitchen. My stomach growling. "I take it you all are." He chuckled. We all nodded. He smiled. "Alright. Breakfast will be ready soon." He said as he opened the fridge. We all then heard the reloading of a gun. I looked out into the hallway to see Applejack reloading her double barrel shotgun. "Mornin' everypony." She said setting her shotgun against the wall, and putting her stetson on. "Hey, AJ. How'd you sleep?" Sketchy asked. "Like a filly." She said. A smile crossing her muzzle. "Good. We all need as much sleep as we can get." He said as he levitated a gallon of milk and some glasses over to the table. Twilight poured the milk for everypony using her magic. When she was done, she set the jug down. The glow fading.

After we were all fed, Sketchy put the dishes in the sink. "Alright everypony! Reload all your weapons." He instructed. We all did as we were told. I clicked the revolver's cylinder out of it's place, and ejected all the cartridges. Picking up the unused ones, and putting them back in the slots. After the gun was reloaded, I clicked the cylinder back into place, and spun said cylinder, and put it back in my saddlebag. "Ya know how to use that thing?" AJ asked. I looked to her and nodded. "Mhm." Sketchy gave it to me." I replied. "Alright. Everypony ready?" Sketchy asked. We all nodded except for Applebloom. I looked to her and realized she didn't have a weapon. I began looking around in the drawers for another knife as I gave the one Sketchy had given me to Twilight. "What are you looking for?" Twilight inquired. "A knife. Applebloom doesn't have a-" I was cut off by a knife floating out from a drawer, and over to Applebloom. A green haze around the object. The knife was set on the ground, and the glow faded. Applebloom looked to Sketchy. A smile on her face.

The train station. We made it. We stepped into a passenger car. A Trotted snarled when Sketchy popped his head in. He promptly took the Trotter out. It's blood spraying all over the windows. Rainbow and Sketchy made their way to the engineers car together. "Do you even know how to drive this thing?" She asked. He looked back to her. "It should be simple." He replied. As he looked in through the window, he saw the conductor inside. "We've got to lure him out." He said. "Can't we just kill him?" She asked. The zombified conductor saw Sketchy through the window, and snarled at him. "We don't want the sticky blood jamming up the controls." He pointed out. "Oh, right." Rainbow said. "On second thought..." Sketchy said. His horn lightning up. The head of the conductor lit up the same green. Then, snap. The conductors body fell limp. A soft pop made it's way through the glass and into Rainbows ears. She cringed at the sound. "That works too." She replied. Sketchy made his way into the engineer's car and waved to her.

The Trotting Dead: The Sweetiebelle Diaries Where stories live. Discover now