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I wasn’t able to sleep at all that night; I feel as if I was a vampire and couldn’t sleep. My mind stuck upon running into the house to see my parents’ deaths. I was in shock, scared, it scared me. I had met Petra as soon as me and Levi got to the huge building, for some reason I was surprised to see it, which I knew I would have to get used to it soon enough.

Petra was a sweet girl; she had a soft smile and welcomed me with open arms. Which, thankfully, I was more at ease with so many people welcoming me after what I had just seen not less than hours before. Petra, who had strawberry blonde hair, led me to a room she called her office. Recalling what Hanji and Levi said earlier about Petra being a therapist, I put two and two together to realize she was jumping right into a session as soon as I arrived. She led me down multiple hallways filled with people running back and forth, some of them shooting me strange looks as I did my best to keep up with the strawberry blonde.

She led me down an empty narrow hallway and found a certain door number, holding it open as I walked into the peppermint smelling office. It burnt my nose with first smell, but gradually I got used to it. There was a medium couch, a loveseat. And a smaller matching chair that was next to a desk with a laptop and paperwork on top of it. I heard the door close as she walked to the messy desk, taking a seat. And I guessed she wanted me on the loveseat, so that’s where I sat.

“Okay. Eren, right?” She grabbed a clipboard and attached a paper to it, grabbing a pen and looking at me. I nodded. “How do you say your last name?” She gave me a soft smile. “Jaeger.” She nodded, “Okay. I just didn’t want to mess up.” I looked around the room, tan walls, posters that were annoying and had stupid sayings on them. One was a cat holding onto a tree branch and in bright white letters it read; Hang in there!

After reading that, I figured this entire thing was absolutely stupid. I continued to look at the stupid posters around the room till Petra spoke up. “So Eren, I’m guessing you’re not much of a people person, are you?” I looked away. “I never was. Dad was always protective of me and refused to let me leave past certain hours, and he made me go to a private school. Mom would drive me and at the school the teacher wouldn’t let us talk to one another.”

Now thinking about it, that school was full of kids whose parents were members of a mafia or owned one who attended the school. Crime rate was high in the town I lived in, It was common that someone would take a child whose family served under a mafia and hold them hostage for tons of cash. Knowing they could get away with it because law enforcement didn’t interfere with Mafia business. Our country was a Monarchy, Mafia power was bigger than law. The Ackerman and Leonheart mafias were the ones running the country. The Ackerman mafia works undercover and is known to kill whoever gets in their way.

Why they were such a threat to our society.

“That must have been hard as a kid. No siblings either?” I shook my head. “Momma always talked about having another kid. But dad was never home. Never. In December last year he said he would have been home before Christmas, He said sometime around the sixteenth or seventeenth. He got home three days after Christmas.”

I remember my mother’s cries on Christmas day. She kept begging for him to come home. She had even made extra food for him, I hated to see her cry like she was.

“Any idea why? Did he ever say anything?” Petra gave me a quick glance before she started scribbling In her clipboard. “No. None. He would come up with crappy excuses like; traffic ; plane got delayed ; something happened and I had to stay a few extra days.”

I remember their yelling and arguing. I hated it. I would have to cover my ears with pillows and cry loud enough to block the yelling out.

“Did your mom ever believe him?” I looked at my feet, swinging my legs because I was too short for my feet to touch the floor. “First few times, she did. But the lies kept piling up and she started to get angry. She constantly cried because she thought he was cheating on her. Mom loved dad more than anything; but I feel like he took her forgranted.”

Consigliere [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now