The fight

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Ron's POV
Now it's time for the fight great

Albus: we can do this
Ravenclaw: yes we can
Slytherin: whatever
Hufflepuff: WE CAN WIN THIS

We all looked at Hufflepuff and they smiled at us

Ron: I don't want to do this
Harry: Ron we've been in more fights than ever

Hermione: yeah so we should be good
Ron: okay
Amy: Ron
Ron: yeah
Amy: I hope you be safe
Ron: and I want you to be safe
Amy: I love you
Ron: I love you too
Harry: come on Hermione
Hermione: yeah it's their moment

They walked off
End of POV
Harry's POV
This is it

Hermione: Harry
Harry: yeah
Hermione: what if this isn't the final battle

Harry: i don't know
Hermione: we only became a couple today and what if something bad happens

Harry: I promise it won't I'll be right beside you Hermione

Hermione: you're so sweet Harry
Hermione: it's true
Harry: are you sure you're not talking about your self

Hermione: I'm not sweet
Harry: yes you are
Hermione: okay I can be
Harry: yes I got you to say it
Hermione:(giggles and smiles)
Harry: okay remember I'll be right beside you

Hermione: okay

I held her hand she looked down at our hands and then back at me she kissed my cheek

Hermione: I love you Harry
Harry: I love you too Hermione

We shared a little kiss when we pulled away we saw Ron, Amy, Malfoy, Jessie and 3 others they had a happy face except for Jessie and Malfoy

Jessie:(storms up to them) you I told you to stay away from Harry

Hermione:(rolls eyes)
Harry: Jessie I told you to leave us alone

Jessie: but you're suppose to be with me

Harry: well I'm not
Jessie: I love you
Harry: if you did love me then why did you cheat but I'm glad you did

Jessie: what? Why?
Harry: or else I wouldn't have found my feelings for Hermione

Hermione: Harry

She hugged me and Jessie huffed and ran off Hermione pulled away

Harry: I love you
Hermione: I love you too
R,A,N: aww

We looked at them weird they looked down we laughed

Dumbledor: he's here
Harry: stay with me
Hermione:(breathes in) okay

We started to fight let's hope this is the last fight we ever have against him

End of POV
Hermione's POV
I was fighting next to my boyfriends side I have to admit I like the sound of that I wasn't looking where I was going then I got pulled I looked up and it was Harry

Harry: careful
Hermione:(giggles) I will
Harry: I don't want you getting hurt
Hermione: me either
Harry: let's do this

He held his hand out

Harry: together
Hermione: yeah

He then let go of my hand and he started to fight I was right beside him we were winning

At the end of the fight

Voldemort: this isn't over Potter
Harry: okay whatever

Then he vanished

Harry: are you okay
Hermione: yeah but are you
Harry: I'm fine
Hermione: (smiles)

We held hands while walking into the castle let's hope that it was the last fight but knowing Voldemort he won't give up

End of POV

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