The next morning

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Hermione's POV
I woke up this morning did my routine and got dressed once I finished I ran to find Harry and Ron

After 5 minutes

I finally find them they were in the dining area talking Ron was with his girlfriend I walked up to them

Hermione: hey
Harry: oh hey Hermione
Ron: hey
Amy: hi
Hermione: Harry we need to go
Harry:(confused) where
Ron: without me
Hermione: I need to show you something Harry

Harry: okay
Ron: what about me
Amy: I'll stay with you (sees a friend) I'll see you later babe

Then Amy ran off

Ron: okay I'm free
Hermione:(rolls eyes) fine come on

Me and Harry were in front talking about last night Ron heard our conversation and was confused

Ron: what are you talking about
Harry: it's not important
Hermione: anyway we need to find him
Harry: we can go all places and you still won't find him

Hermione: Harry if the school finds out they will want you to save them

Harry: I know they do
Hermione: where will he normally be
Harry: try the old abandoned house down near that river

Hermione: okay if he's not there you owe me

Harry: okay
Ron: oh we are not going in that kinda house

Harry: are you with us or not
Ron: how about I wait outside
Hermione: fine
Harry: let's go

We walked to the house me and Harry walked in and looked around we saw a room with a light and heard talking Harry pulled out his invisibility cloak and put it around us and we heard the conversation Harry held me close I felt butterflies I shrugged it off it could be from my nerves

???: bring me the boy
???: not yet
???: no now I need him
???: don't you mean WE need him
???: yes to give him to Voldemort
???: don't get sarcastic with me serious
Serious: I'm not zedrick
Zedrick: okay
???: where's the boy
Serious: we're going to get him
Zedrick: yes lord Voldemort

Harry let go of me and we quickly ran out of the house and saw Ron sitting on the floor he saw us and stood up quickly

Ron: what took you so long? I thought you've been killed Harry

Hermione: what about me
Ron: and you
Harry: we know he's there
Hermione: what are we going to do
Harry: I don't know
Ron: let's go back and hide
Harry: no you can but I never back down

I don't know why but that's what I love about Harry .... I meant like not love *nervous laugh*

Harry: Hermione
Hermione: huh
Harry: are you okay
Hermione: umm yeah
Harry: okay
Hermione: let's go
Ron: let's go back to Hogwarts
End of POV
Harry's POV
We headed back to Hogwarts and saw 3 teachers there the 3 teacher that was in that house last night professor snape, dumbledoor and professor magonigal 

Snape: where have you three been
Ron: we went for a walk
Snape: not allowed off Hogwarts area
Dumbledor: calm down Snape
Snape: I'll be in my room

Then he walked away

Magonigal: so where have you been
Harry: just for a walk in telling the truth

Dumbledor: okay Harry

Then they walked off

Ron: how did you do that
Harry: what are you on about
Hermione: they didn't yell at you

I was about to answer but I felt my scar it stung I had a memory of him it was my parents and my friends who he had killed I screamed in pain luckily no one was around except Hermione and Ron I then passed out

End of POV
Ron's POV
Me and Hermione watched Harry as he was screaming I wanted to help him but Hermione told me not to not just yet he could hit us when he finally came around

Harry: what just happen
Hermione: we don't know you just fell and screamed in pain while holding your scar

Harry: no I saw him and them
Ron: him???
Hermione: yes Ron the guy who's been trying to kill Harry

Ron: but whose them
Harry: everyone that he had killed
Hermione: who did you see
Harry: my friends and most importantly my parents

Hermione: oh Harry

Hermione hugged Harry they are so cute together

End of POV

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