At home

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Harry's POV
Today is the end of school basically we break up for the Christmas holiday which I am going to be back in that bedroom under the stairs it's so annoying especially when Dudley walks down the stairs and now from what I've seen he's gone from stubbornness to bully I saw the train and I was with Hermione and Ron

Harry: what are you going to do over the holiday

Ron: spend time with my family
Hermione: I don't know what about you

Harry: same as you Hermione
Hermione: maybe we could hang out someday

Harry: yeah

Then we boarded the train we got into one cabin

Harry: Ron
Ron: yeah
Harry: how come you're not with Amy
Ron: she went home earlier
Harry: oh
Hermione: okay so we will all keep in touch right

Hermione: great

4 hours later

The train stopped we all got off and went out separate ways

At my house

I reached my house and it didn't surprise me my uncle and aunt was kissing Dudley feet I rolled my eyes and got into my room which was strange they gave me a room upstairs when I unpacked I walked out of the door and headed to the park I sat on the swings I saw a boy he was young he was with his mum and I found it sweet I wish my mum was here then I saw a group come up to me

Dudley: Potter
Harry: beating up a 10 year old kid
Dudley: this one deserved it
Harry: wow 5 on 1 very tough
Dudley: at least I'm not afraid of my pillow

Dudley: don't kill Cedric who's Cedric your boyfriend, they're going to kill me mum

Dudley: where is your mum Harry

😡 I was getting a little angry now

Dudley: where's your mum Harry is she dead

I got up got my wand out and put it under his chin he had a scared look on his face

Group:(laughs) he's got a stick

Then the clouds came together and if went dark the group got scared because of the anger

Group: Dudley let's go he's weird

He just stood there

Group: Dudley

They then ran off

Dudley: what are you doing
Harry: I'm doing nothing
Dudley: yes you are
Harry: no I'm not now run

We ran into a tunnel I saw two black shadows oh come on it's my holiday doesn't he give up it was his dementers 

Dudley: what's going on
Harry: Dudley RUN

Dudley was running until he tripped and a dementer grabbed him and put him against the wall and me I got my wand I said a spell and that shot light of it and blew him away and I did with the other one

End of POV
Hermione's POV
Well again is a normal day my parents ignore me they don't ask how was school or anything so I just gave up I got tired of being ignored so I erased myself from every picture in the house if they want to ignore me then I will erase myself then I walked out of the house I wonder how Harry is getting on

End of POV
Ron's POV
I got home and received  a big hug from my mum and dad

Ron's mum: Ron it's so nice to see you
Ron's dad: how's school
Ron: it's great
Fred: how's Hermione
Ron: she's fine
George: how's Harry
Ron: well I think he's ok
Ron's mum: I hope he is
Ron: so do I

I wonder how they are coping

End of POV

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