Returning to Hogwarts

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Harry's POV
Yes today is the day that I get to see Hermione and Ron I finally don't have to put up with my aunt and uncle treating me like a slave and Dudley bullying me ugh oh my uncles other sister came she spoke about my parents like his first sister that came to our house for tea she said bad things about my mum and dad I got so angry the lights started to flicker and wind blew in the house and she turned into a balloon my uncle ran after her

Vernon: no
Peggy: vernon don't you dare let go
Vernon: I'm sorry

He let go then I ran to my room and locked the door I heard banging on my door

Vernon: open this door

I kept quiet

Vernon: Harry open this door NOW

I then saw a car fly past I looked in and saw Ron

Ron: want a ride
Harry: sure

I packed everything and put it in the car my uncle finally opened the door he saw me and before he could grab me I jumped into the car and we got to the station car park there we saw his mum and dad

Ron's mum: oh Harry are you okay
Harry: I'm fine Mrs Weasley
Ron's mum:oh I guess this is goodbye again

Harry: yeah
Ron: we'll be careful

Then we walked to the train and we saw Hermione she didn't see us Ron walked up to her and she looked confused

Hermione: who are you

Ron and I looked at each other

Ron: I'm Ron
Hermione: I don't know a Ron

End of POV
Hermione's  POV
Over the holiday I got attack by a demetor and when they left I don't know where I was or who my friends were so when this random red headed boy said hi to me I have no clue who he is and the name Ron it sounds so familiar I saw next to him was a black haired boy with glasses and a scar on his forehead

Hermione: well I'm Hermione granger
Ron: Ron Weasley
Harry: Harry Potter

That name rang a bell but nothing we boarded the train they asked if we could go in the same cabin I agreed these 2 seemed really nice

End of POV
Harry's POV
I'm so confused how come Hermione doesn't remember us then I got a vision I held my scar this time I didn't scream in pain I saw Hermione look at me and Ron he had a worried expression

Ron: Harry are you okay
Harry: no
Ron: come on tell me what is it flashback of vision

Harry: vision
Ron: okay tell me
Harry: I know why Hermione doesn't remember us

Ron: why
Harry: she was attacked by a dementer and they wiped her memory but she can remember other people just not us because Voldemort can control her and he can tell her to do stuff to us

Ron: okay calm down
Hermione: what are you on about
Harry: you heard everything
Hermione: how do you know about the attack

Harry: vision
Hermione: huh
Ron: he can get visions or flashbacks when his scar stings so when he holds his scar ask him if he's okay and then ask what was it because it can be either one and also if he screams don't worry

Hermione: okay

End of POV

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