
"Oh well on our planet you have the male genitalia and we call them males."

"I'm a Mamo." Confusion flashed through the women's eyes.

"And what's that." I felt my face flush at the thought of the answer.

"I will have those," I said pointing at her breast," but I give the Mohma my children to bare."

"Oh!... Well that is certainly different alright." She said looking at me then the smaller women.

"So what to the Mohma look like?"

"Same skin color but with black markings that's vary. Eye colors that very because we can change how we look-"

"Oh change right now!" I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes at her. She a strange Mohma. I thought of her brown eyes and made them like hers.

"See?" She got closer and then did some kind of squeal.

"That's amazing! Elizabeth! Do you see this!?" She asked the shorter women who rolled her eyes.

"Yes, now stop yelling." Earthlings are not so bad.

"Other that this what else can you do? Like fly? Super strength? Lazier eyes-"

"Marie! She's not a comic book character!" The Elizabeth women yelled at Dr.Cuevas.

"Oh hush! Well?" She asked me.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not a lazier eyed monster. But I'm pretty strong."

"Are your kind intelligent?"

"I was in a pod that came from a planet far beyond your kinds knowledge. So."

"She's funny!"

"Ah... Her blood is blue?" The Elizabeth said.

"This is too amazing! Elizabeth! I'm taking her." Elizabeth rubbed the side of her head.

"No Marie. Do I need to remind you of the pet you took home that started to bite children!? It was turning kids yellow!" Oh a Pistern, pretty little things. But they don't like change.

"Rianara, I know all of this is still new to you. But would you like to be my daughter? My child?" I looked at the Elizabeth and sadness swirled in her blue eyes.


"What do you say dear?" She asked again with a sweet smile.

"You want to be my Mother?" I asked and she laughed.


"B-But I have a Mother...I... already have one."

"N-No no, sweetheart. I'm not trying to replace your mother. I could and would never try to do that. But you can come home with me. And live a life here."

"Oh...Okay... I'll come home with you Dr.Cuevas."

And that's how I became Riana Cuevas. I later found out why Momma Cuevas took me in. She had a miscarriage and her body and mental stability couldn't take losing her child. She had a few since she took me in. And each time she would still smile and hold me. Humans are such gentle creatures.

As the years went by I blended in with the other humans. Taking on a form that I grew into. Soon changing my body to look like the humans became simple. I never really noticed it until I would look at my reflection. And knowing that the person I see isn't me.

As the years went on I did keep myself distant from the females on this planet. Momma Cuevas said it would too dangerous for me to date here. Well she actually said not to have sex with them because of my genitalia. But then again I never found any of them attractive. But not having someone as my lover at my age is hard. My kind are very territorial and we love hard. By my age I should already have a lover and starting my family.

So I don't really have friends. When I walk the halls of my high school students talk in hushed whispers but it doesn't bother me. I've some pretty crazy things about myself I'll admit. I'm a gangster, drug dealers, I was supposed to graduate years ago, etc. And everyone of them made me laugh. Sometimes people tried talking to me and I respond back. But I like to keep things short. Not wanting to get too attached to someone and then have them reject me for who I really am. Or telling everyone. Telling everyone I'm and alien or the fact I have the male genitalia. Which on this planet would cause some people to freak.

But other than that living on this planet has been enjoyable. Oh! And Mamma Cuevas is pregnant, I'm gonna be a big sister.


This is my first time writing a alien book so let me know how it was!!!!

Hope y'all enjoyed this, its my new book.







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