After I ate about three of the most delicious chocolate chip pancakes I had ever had, I took my dishes to the sink using the new levitation spell I had just taught myself. "Those were great." I said with a smile. "I'm glad you like them." Sketchy returned my smile. The same warm feeling from before washed over me again. "If we were to go back out there, we'd need a weapon to defend ourselves. I've got my sniper, and shotgun. But you'll need a weapon too. Something easy to use." Sketchy said as he opened a drawer levitating out a large knife. It floats over to me. My magic takes control. "A kitchen knife." He said. "I can see that." I giggled. He chuckled in response. "Use it for melee. And this," he said as he teleported away. My eyes widened. I looked around for a few seconds. I had only seen teleportation a few times, so it was still fairly new to me. He reappeared a moment later. His horn still lit up. "Why is your horn still lit up?" I asked. An item of silver floated out from behind his back. A handle of wood. A gun. "A .357 magnum to be exact." He said. He set it on the ground in front of my hooves.

I looked to the gun, and lifted it up. Again, using my horn. He smiled. "You're going to need some ammo for it too." He said. Two boxes of ammo were set at my hooves. I have never tried lifting more than one thing at a time. I remember the first thing I levitated. A broom during Twilight Time. with none other than Twilight Sparkle. The second thing was a set of keys to free Troubleshoes from prison after he was wrongly accused. I focused harder on both boxes of ammo than I had with the hammer from earlier. The two boxes began to glow the same hue as the revolver. I smiled wider as the two boxes began to float upwards. "Great job, Sweetie!" Sketchy cheered. I levitated everything to the table. The glow fading a moment later. I smiled as I looked to Sketchy who had the knife in his magics grasp. It landed on the table next to everything else. "You'll need a saddlebag too." He said teleporting back upstairs, and reappearing a moment later with a green saddlebag with a muffin button. "Derpy." I said.

He nodded. "Yep. She let me have it." He said. "Now I am passing it on to you." He said setting it on my back. "Won't you miss it?" I asked. He shook his head. "I'll find another." He said placing everything in my saddlebag. "I'll take real good care of it." I promised. He smiled as he trotted out of the kitchen and back into the living room. I turned around and looked to him. Slinging his rifle over his back and holding the shotgun in his magic, he said, "I'll teach you how to fire it." He said as he made his way towards the door. I stopped next to him. He unlocked the door and opened it. Zombie ponies littered the streets of Ponyville. "Dear Celestia..." Sketchy said under his breath. I looked to him, and he looked to me. "Every waking day, I think it'll be a bright pleasant day." He said. "But even though the outbreak started a few days ago, I still think I am living in the times of old." He sighed. He was right. Now it is a game of survival. I'm sure somepony somewhere has began research on this outbreak, and are coming up with a cure as we speak. Sketchy aimed his shotgun, and pulled the trigger.

After a few hours, I was able to shoot and reload the gun. It was honestly a thrill to be able to fire a gun. I looked to him smiling. "Now that you have the gun all figured out, it's time for melee. Pull out your knife." He said. I did as I was told. I opened my saddlebag, and out floated the knife. "Good. Now, see that Trotter over there?" He asked pointing with a hoof. I looked over to see a Trotter mindlessly walking along. "Mhm." I replied. "Sneak up behind it, and take it out. It's important to always remember to go for the head. That's a guaranteed kill." He said. I nodded and began slowly creeping up behind the Trotter. It moaned and groaned as it trudged along the dirt. Soon, it would be lying in it. I held the knife up high, and drove it down into the Trotters head. Only the knife's handle was visible after I stabbed it. The Trotter fell face first into the dirt. I pulled the knife out, and blood began pouring from it's head. I fought hard not to throw up.

I succeeded. I looked back to Sketchy who nodded. I held the knife like I had just before I stabbed this one. I crept up behind another Trotter, and held the knife high. After a few seconds, I drove it into it's head. Or so thought. The Trotter turned around, and snarled at me. The knife stuck out from the Trotters back. I screamed and backed away. Hopefully giving me enough time to get my gun out and shoot it. When I pulled the gun out, and aimed down the sights, all of time seemed to stop. Giving me the edge. I got the Trotters head in my sights, and pulled the trigger. Click. The gun was out of ammo! I opened the saddlebag, and pulled out a box of ammo. I then felt my limbs freeze. A unicorn Trotter! I saw the world around me inherit a desaturated green color. The Trotter that had me in it's magics grasp held me in place as it drew closer. Snarling the whole way. My heart speeding up as the thing moved closer. Sketchy drew his shotgun, and pulled the trigger. Click. His gun was out of ammo too! I then remembered the knife lodged into the Trotters back. "Sketchy! The knife!" I tried to yell, but the Trotter had my whole body frozen. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. All I could move was my eyes to look around. I then saw his grab the knife out of the Trotters back, and stab it in the head. Effectively taking it out. Along with the magic the unicorn had me restrained in.

The Trotting Dead: The Sweetiebelle Diaries Where stories live. Discover now