His Butler, Offering (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Welcome", he said. Sebastian closed the door as Ciel began to speak.

"I have a favor to ask, Undertaker", Ciel said. Undertaker turned his head slightly and I noticed a small red chain on his face connecting to something. It seemed familiar somehow.

"In that case...", he began. He turned his head entirely to reveal that Undertaker wasn't Undertaker. It was Grell. Ciel took a step back in shock, also putting an arm in front of me, as my eyes widened in both shock and realization. Grell came running towards us. Well, towards Sebastian. "Give me prime romance!" Sebastian calmly walked out of the way and allowed Grell to slam face first into the wall. As he pulled his face away, a skull fell and hit him on the head.

"Grell?!", Ciel exclaimed.

"Hello, my lord", another voice said. Ciel turned around and looked into a large container. "Undertaker?" Sure enough, Undertaker's head was visible while the rest of his body was submerged in salt.

"The bounder told me he wasn't afraid of grim reapers, so I buried him in salt", Grell explained as he walked over. Then, he turned his gaze to me. "Ah, I see miss goddess girl is doing well. She isn't unbalanced or losing control. That's good, but be careful, missy. One wrong move and the world itself could be destroyed along with yourself. Keep that in mind. I don't want to clean it up." I gave him a confused look before someone else spoke.

"Oh, I just love the sensation of all the moisture in my body leeching out of my skin!", Undertaker said happily. Sebastian lifted a cloth to his mouth and nose area.

"A dangerous game", he commented. Ciel turned back to look at Grell.

"What are you doing here?!", he asked. Grell shrugged nonchalantly.

"Will's having me do a bit of investigating", he replied. "But there was just no information, and I got hungry and sleepy... So I took a nap in a flowerbed, and woke up to find myself here. Perhaps I shouldn't have stopped breathing while I slept?" Grell directed a gaze of hearts at Sebastian. "I was waiting for a prince to come wake me with a kiss with tongue!" Grell puckered his lips in Sebastian's direction as Sebastian narrowed his eyes at him.

"What are you investigating?", he asked. Grell backed off slightly.

"Oh, we've had some Cinematic Records stolen lately", he informed. Undertaker took on and unusually serious look as Ciel and I looked at Grell as well.

"Cinematic Records?", Ciel asked.

"Not something kids need to know about", Grell replied. I looked down in thought.

Where have I heard that before?

Sebastian looked at us. "They're reels of film containing all memories of a person's life", he explained. "Grim reapers extract them from those on the To-Die list, replay them, and decide whether they will live or die." Grell flipped his hair with a proud smile.

"Just so we're clear, you humans can only see them when you die. Including you, goddess girl", he said. Sebastian turned his gaze back to Grell.

"Are Records the sort of things that can be 'stolen'?", he asked.

"Mmm...", Grell began in thought. "They're stored in the library when we're not using them. The full pasts of all people now living-- in other words, of everyone on the To-Die list: all the crimes, everything... ...in the form of books."

"So they're books made in preparation for Doomsday", Ciel said. If that were true, Ash had meant that the cult at the abbey was using Cinematic Records and they were most likely the ones Grell was looking for.

"That rings a bell, doesn't it?", Sebastian asked. Undertaker licked up some salt as Ciel looked back down at him.

"Undertaker, there's something I want your help with", he said. Undertaker laughed a little before responding.

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