Chapter 1

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I am Megan. Megan Miller.

I live in a pretty crazy neighbourhood. My mother is crazy, the neighbours are crazy, at school is everyone crazy, everywhere is everyone crazy! I am pretty crazy too, just not as crazy as the rest, but it’s starting to look like i'm going crazy too.

Let me tell you something about my mother.

My mother’s name is Ella Miller. When she was 22 she had one year a boyfriend when I was born, so that means she was after a 3 month relationship already pregnant. I think I  was a baby that cried always and about everything, because one month after I was born he left in the middle of the night without any warning. My mother and I have never seen him again after he left.

My mum has a shop in the middle of the city. The shop is some kind of beauty shop. People come there to buy makeup but they also come to get their nails painted, get their legs waxed or to get their teeth whitened. It’s all possible. People pay a lot of money to become beautiful, that's why my mother is rich. A rich (nice) bitch. I still don't get why people spend more than $1000 on some oil that makes you skin less wrinkled.

The store means a lot to my mother. She secretly hopes that I’m gonna take over the shop when she’s old, but there’s no way that that’s going to happen. I can’t even make a normal bun in my own hair, it always ends up looking like I just fell of the roof into a volcano. And only thinking about waxing old smelly legs makes me want to puke.

My mother spends day and night in her shop. Every time she tells me that she’s going to be late home because of stuff  at her shop, she promises me that she will be home at 12 o’clock, but she never comes home that night, she just comes home the next day in the evening and acts like nothing happened or says something about falling asleep on her laptop. But I think she probably met some random hot guy and went to his home and hooked up with that guy. It wouldn't surprise me. 

My mother reminds me of a typical cheerleader in those high school movies. She is quite a bitch, uses a lot makeup and has hooked up with so much boys that she probably not even can remember how much.She wears clothes that are meant to be worn by teenagers while she’s 39. She wants me to be a bit more like her, use neon pink lipstick, wear short skirts, dresses and push-up bra’s, go to parties every weekend, getting drunk, hooking up with everyone and be a cheerleader. But I’m actually the opposite of that, in my closet is only one dress which is probably way too small for me ‘cause I bought it when I was 12 for the wedding of my aunt. My best friends are my bed and my laptop so that means I don’t go to parties, on Friday/Saturday evening you can find me in my bed behind my laptop. And I don't even want to think about cheerleading. When I see those girls I have to hold myself back otherwise I would punch them right across the face. I'm really the opposite of my mother, but that doesn't mean I don't like my mother, I love my mother. She may be different but no one could replace her.

Once in my life, when I was fifteen, I went to a party, got drunk and puked on everything and on everyone, the only one who was happy with that was my mother. A normal mother would give me some good punishment, but my mum is not like that. When I lose my virginity she would probably cry tears of joy and buy a cake to celebrate it. Oh, and in one hour would the whole street know what has happened. But good for me, it has never happened.

My mother’s 3 best friends, Melissa, Katie and Rose are just as crazy as my mother. They live in the same street as us, across our house, next to our house and diagonally across our house. They know each other since primary school and were so close that they even decided to live in the same street. The friend next door is Melissa, she is married and has 2 sons, 1 boy of 10 and 1 boy of 17. The other friend, Katie, who lives diagonally across our house is also married and has 1 son who’s 17 years old. And across our house lives Rose, she’s divorced and has also a 17 year old son.

I’m also 17. Maybe you could guess, but my mother and her friends are  so close that they even agreed to become pregnant in the same month. That’s beyond crazy, isn’t it? My mother once told me they wanted 2 boys and 2 girls so they could marry each other, but unfortunately there were three boys born and then 2 weeks later than planned, I was born. 1 girl, 3 boys.

My father probably thought that my mother and her friends were totally crazy, so he left. The boyfriend of Rose also left, he didn’t even wait till the baby was born, he already ran away when he heard that his girlfriend was pregnant.

The three sons of the friends of my mother are not as crazy as their moms. In fact, they are my best friends. The oldest, who lives next door is Ryan. He’s the person who tries to keep us out of trouble, but most of the time he’s  actually the one who gets us in trouble. The middle one, who lives across our house, is Josh, he’s kinda the ‘funny guy’. He makes the worst jokes but acts like he just told the best joke ever. And the youngest is Lucas, he lives diagonally across our house, he’s the one who always laughs hysterically at the jokes of Josh. 

Since our birth we spent almost every minute of our lives together. We went together to kindergarten and primary school. We even did the same sport (football ofcourse), we seriously did everything together.

We still do almost everything together. After school we go to eachothers houses and do homework together, at least, that's what we're supossed to do. We're in most of the classes together, we share fridges and we even share houses. We share almost everything, houses, mothers, beds, fridges etc.

Still there are things that we don’t do together. At school we talk to each other and stuff, but we don’t do everything together. The boys are pretty popular, good at football and they get a lot of attention of the cheerleaders. I’m not really that popular, I don’t go to parties like the boys, I’m not a cheerleader and definitely not another fake Barbie. I’m not popular, but that doesn’t mean I’m a nerd, I’m more in the ‘normal’ group, I don’t get noticed a lot, but I’m not some girl with big glasses and a big brain who does nothing else but homework. In the pauses , I sit with some other friends, so I don’t have to sit at the table of  ‘the popular people’. Those 'other' friends are Autumn and Alison.

Autumn is a shy girl who hides behind her red hair, well, if you met her for the first time at least. After you know her for a while you get to know the real her. And man, she’s like a monkey! Sometimes I wish I could tape her mouth and hand so she would shut up and sit still for a moment. Alison is kind of the opposite of Autumn, when you see her you probably think she is an annoying bitch, but once you get to know her you find out that she’s really nice and helpful. But she’s can stil be a bit bitchy.

And then about me, well, there’s not really much to say about me. I'm actually quite normal compared to my mother, her friends and my friends. I am 17, I have black/brown hair, blue eyes and pretty small. I have a crazy mother, and some weird friends. When I’m not with my friends or at school I’m probably in my bed listening to music and doing stuff on my laptop like tumblr. Not really interesting. When I’m really bored I go to my mothers shop, there are always some people who I can irritate. 

That’s my interesting life so far. It's the first day of a new year. What's going to change next year?


This is my first English story on Wattpad. I'm from the Netherlands and am only 14 years old, so the grammar is definitely not perfect. I hope you understand that :). 

I would love to read you opinion on this story. If you see some wrong grammar in the story would you please put the right grammar in the comment?



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