Chapter Three: Young and Dumb

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Chapter Three: 

Young and Dumb

It finally hit me…I finally knew what was wrong with me. I paced my bedroom for about 20 minutes before I had the courage to call Naomi. When she answered the phone, she sounded really relaxed and happy in comparison to the foul mood I was in.

“Naomi I need to talk,” I blurted out.

“What’s up sis?”

“I’m too ashamed to say. When do you think you’re gonna come home?”

“I didn’t plan on coming home at all but I guess I can swing by after I finish getting my nails done. Are you ok? I don’t like how you sound sis,” she paused before continuing, “what happened? Did dad try to contact you again?” she asked. Little did she know, my father was long gone…he was in prison this time and for reasons I had no interest in knowing.

“No I’m ok. Just please, hurry home,” I hung up without waiting for a reply.

About 45 minutes later, I heard Naomi entering the house. Her footsteps echoed throughout the house. When she walked in, she threw a plastic bag on my bed. 

“What’s this?” I asked confused.

“Open the bag, go piss on the stick, and check it in 5 minutes,” she instructed looking me straight in the eyes.

“You got me a pregnancy test? But how did you know?”

“I’m not a fool Nicole. You said that you were too ashamed to tell me over the phone and I figured you got about,” she stopped and looked at her watch before continuing, “18 minutes before mom gets home so you better get to the bathroom. I’ll wait for you here.”

“Thank you Naomi,” I hugged her as I started to cry, “I’m so scared.”

“Sis, it’ll be fine. Just go handle your business and we’ll decide what happens next.”

“Okay,” I exited my room and headed straight for the bathroom. It seemed like it took years for 5 minutes to come. I paced the bathroom floor and I would’ve burned a whole in the rug if Naomi wouldn’t have knocked on the door. 

“What’s taking so long? It’s been 5 minutes already!” she complained.

I opened the door and handed her the test, “Here you look at it, I’m too nervous.”

“Wow,” was all she said.

“What? What does it say?”

“Here, look for yourself sweetie,” she handed me the test. I could feel myself getting short of breath.

“NO! I can’t be pregnant! How am I gonna tell Vic? What is mom gonna say? What are the people at church gonna say? I’m too young to be a mom Naomi!” I began to cry hysterically and I could feel myself falling but Naomi caught me.

“RELAX AND BREATHE!” my sister was never really the type to be shy or timid when it came to her words, “Look, you need to calm down. I don’t know what you’re gonna do about this baby but I do know that you have to tell mom and who cares what those church people think of you? And wait, who is Vic?”

I couldn’t help but to smile at the mention of his name, “He’s my man.”

“Your man?” she mocked me.

“Yes! You’ll meet him today! He is so cute and he’s such a sweetheart! And I know he loves me too,” I suddenly stopped, “you know what? I think everything will be ok. I mean, Vic loves me and I know he’ll love our baby too…maybe”

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