The man was incredible talented in martial arts, something I always needed practice in because I wasn't the most flexible person at all. The next few seconds were just of us throwing punches at each other, jabbing with our elbows with grunts leaving our lips as we fought. At some point, the building shook again, shifting as it was slowly breaking down from the bottom. When that happened, Hydra lost his balance a little, giving me the opportunity to pull my leg up quickly and deliver a sharp kick to his stomach. The impact sent him stumbling back, before crashing into the wall when the building moved again.

  I pulled my knife out from my pocket, gripping it tightly as I sprinted towards him, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him down. I drove my knee up into his stomach a couple of times, before tugging my arm up to drive the knife into his skull quickly. I felt his tight grip on my body loosen immediately as it slumped and he fell to the ground. I pulled my knife out of his head, grimacing at the blood covering my precious blade before ducking down and quickly wiping it against his t-shirt.

  When I looked up I found two other people sprinting towards me, one of them had a gun in his hands, holding it up with a finger on his trigger. Viola didn't want me dead right? She wanted to torture me so obviously they weren't going to kill me. But that didn't stop them from shooting at me, causing me to pull into a different hallway, pressing my back against the wall.

  Panting heavily, I clutched my knife in hand and waited for a moment until the gunshots stopped. As soon as they did momentarily, I curved around the corner and chucked the knife at high speed, causing it to speed through the air and impale one of the man's throat. The other man was distracted by the way I killed this one, allowing me the perfect opportunity to come charging at him, knocking the gun out of his hands and grabbing his face. Effortlessly, I twisted his head with my hands and snapped his neck.

  I smirked down at the dead man, before I felt a large blow against my head. My body doubled over as my vision blurred, feeling blood trickle down my temple as I felt myself lose consciousness quickly all of a sudden. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jade lying on the floor. My heart dropped in my chest at the sight; unsure whether or not she was dead. I didn't have any more time to ponder as I quickly passed out due to the throbbing pain.


  Blood spurted from my mouth as a result from the fiftieth blow I received to my cheek. I was tied up and being tortured mercilessly. I had passed out earlier, due to someone hitting me behind the head with something extremely hard and powerful. I felt utterly useless right then, unsure about where Scarlett was and whether Jade was dead or not. I was unsure of where everyone was, were they still here in the building or have they already left. These thoughts occupied my mind only during the moments I had time to breathe after I was pummeled again.

   "Where is the fucking helicopter, Dean?" Viola snapped at the man who spoke to her earlier.

   "It's still coming, Ma'am," the man responded immediately, making her scowl.

  It had been a few minutes after I was tied up and tortured, I tried my hardest to tug at the ropes, cursing when I still couldn't free myself. Viola approaching me brought me back to reality as I snapped my head upwards to gaze at her with cold fury-filled eyes while she chuckled, stroking my cheek. I jerked my head to the side in disgust.

  She started speaking to me, muttering things about Scarlett and Donovan that honestly made my blood boil, but also motivated me further to get out of this mess and find Scarlett. I suddenly remembered that I had a lighter in my back pocket, so while she spoke to me in her manipulative voice I tried my hardest to pull that out. As I kept my face straight and emotionless, I managed to get the lighter out, using it to burn the ropes behind me. Luckily there wasn't anyone behind me, the others were just pacing around or watching from in front of me. I slowly devised a plan as to how to take everyone in this room down.

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