"You do know you're never going to hear the end of that, right?" Drew asked just as the limo pulled out of the curb. "Yes but she's also not going to hear the end of it from me for scaring you like that. Just to be clear though, you didn't really believe what she said, right?"

"Right, right" Drew even coughed to pretend like she's just saying she didn't believe Abby but she actually does. Though she really did not believe Abby, Aubrey saw through it though. "You're such an asshole sometimes" Aubrey grumbled and crossed her arms.

"I know but this asshole loves you so much, she'd even volunteer as your pimp if you really worked as a prostitute" Drew stated with a smile, "no you wouldn't" Aubrey stated matter-of-factly. Drew just shrugged, "true, I'd probably just murder every potential client" she answered with that straight face she does that even now, Aubrey isn't sure if she's joking or not.

"Ah, there's the Drew I love" Aubrey laughed and cuddled close to Drew. Drew wrapped her arm around her girlfriend's torso, "so, want to share why you're dressed as you are tonight?"

"It's stupid, we were required to pick up as many guys as we can as a form of initiation for Alpha Chi." Aubrey explained, "Alpha Chi?" Drew asked, "Oh, a sorority we wanted to join. I didn't tell you this?" Aubrey wondered

"No" Drew shook her head, "Oh right, I was planning on telling you like the other night while we were on the phone but we kind of got side-tracked" Aubrey sheepishly answered. Drew just chuckled, the limo stopped in front of the building Aubrey and the rest were staying at.

Drew got out first, rounded the limo to get to Aubrey's side and opened the door for her. When the door was opened on Aubrey's side and Drew was revealed with her coat off, Aubrey drew her brows together curiously. She didn't have to ask though because Drew spoke, "here, use this" while holding her business coat in front of her. "What for? We're already in front of the building. Besides I'm pretty sure the guard and receptionist already saw me with this on when I went out and probably a few of the tenants too"

"Oh yes but with how short your dress is. If I carry you, it might be a little bit of a problem" Drew answered and just draped the coat over Aubrey's shoulder, "why would you- oh" she squeaked when Drew carried her bridal style. Aubrey had no problem whatsoever with that, so she wrapped her arms around Drew's neck, "comfortable?" Drew asked with a grin, "very" she answered with a wink

When the guard saw them coming he straightened and immediately opened the door for them, Drew just nodded her appreciation with the guard and walked inside. A year ago she probably wouldn't bother but with her having a girlfriend who demands she be polite to everyone, what can she do? No, she is not whipped.

Aubrey pressed the button on the elevator, Drew would usually do the honors but since her hands are occupied, Aubrey was tasked with it. "Does this elevator have a camera?" Aubrey asked Drew, she was pretty sure Drew would know that, considering she was the one who got their apartment for them. "Yes, why?" Drew asked and looked down at the woman on her arms.

"Because I've been dying to kiss you since you showed up, thankfully I had enough sense to know people are around and didn't want to give them a show" she explained, "the security guys watching the footage would definitely see us and I don't think I can do anything about that but I'm pretty sure I could get the footage disappear later" Drew stated breathless, "yeah?" Aubrey asked as she moved her face close to Drew. No response came because lips were already occupied with other activities and has no time for trivial things like talking.

The kiss was passionate, full of longing. Aubrey placed a hand behind Drew's head to pull her closer, she just couldn't get enough of Drew's lips. She wanted more; lips, tongue, teeth, against hers. Drew seemed to notice this and decided to rectify it, she changed their positions and pushed Aubrey against the wall, Aubrey had no trouble adjusting with the new position and wrapped her legs around Drew's waist.

Drew wasted no time and moved her mouth to a pale neck, she kissed, sucked and nipped. When Aubrey felt Drew's teeth on her neck, she moaned in approval and turned her head to the side to reveal more of it. Drew didn't disappoint and moved her mouth where neck met shoulder and bit, followed by a soothing tongue. This got her a much more vocal response from Aubrey. Aubrey was on fire, she felt hot and she wanted more so she grabbed a fistful of Drew's head and pulled closer.

"Oh God, Drew!" Aubrey keened when Drew's mouth returned to her pulse point and sucked, yep, she's going to have two pairs of hickey on her neck later. Aubrey then grabbed Drew's hair to pull her away from her neck, Drew was going to protest but couldn't when Aubrey's mouth was again attached to hers. Just as Aubrey's tongue came into play, the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

To Aubrey's extreme embarrassment an elderly couple was at the other side of the elevator door, she immediately scrambled off of Drew, mumbled an apology with her head bowed and practically ran off. She was hoping that her curtain of hair hid her face from them. Drew didn't seem to care and just wiped some lipstick of her mouth and followed Aubrey to their apartment.

Drew walked through the already open door and saw Aubrey pacing with a red face matched by her ears and neck. "Bar the appearance of two wrinkly people, I say that was quite the amazing experience" Drew chuckled and closed the door. Aubrey turned to glare at Drew but after a second she grinned, "okay fine, that was pretty amazing"

"Yeah, I think we should do it again" Drew grinned wider and walked over to her girlfriend, "you think" Aubrey replied and wrapped her hands around the taller girl.

"Absolutely" and their lips met again


So in chapter one I changed Abby from being a chemistry major to pre-med, why? Because nothing, that's why.

Question though, did Abby ever found out that Drew was the one who hired her father? I don't quite remember, I mean it's been years since I wrote Deception and I don't wanna go back and read it again, that'll take too much time, time that I could spend writing. So if anyone just finished Deception and still fresh on their minds please let me know.

That's it I think for my authors note, just leave some comments, vote and follow.


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