{ Chapter Two }

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Word count: 1063 words!!

From frequent requests on deaviantArt, I made a new chapter!

San's P.O.V (FYI, P.oint O.f V.iew)

'Blood? What the hell?' I thought, looking at the splatters of blood in the snow leading to Papyrus' 'blocked' bridge.

'But . . . Frisk isn't here yet . . . It's to early! And no monster has ever killed someone else in a timeline . . . Ever. Well, the only possibility is . . . No, no. That's a one in a million chance.

But there still is a chance.

No, no! Shake it off, Sans. Follow the trail before this person die's–

Wait! No monster has ever bled red blood! WHAT THE HELL?!'

Thoughts ran around in my skull like they were running a hundred meter against the fastest runners ever. I kept a quick pace following the blood. I began to grow nervous and decided to teleport to my usual spot in all the timelines when I meet the human. Behind the bushes. Shuffling could be heard. Along with the rustles of the bushes and the cold wind slamming itself on me in different directions. I watched as I could only see a silhouette of someone crawling. They picked up the stick, tried to use it to support themselves, but failed. Too short. Wait, what? Why are they crawling? Well, this is going to be interesting. I wonder if she can reset and continue . . . Hmm . . . I wonder if they could . . . I can't tell if there determined or not . . .


I quickly snapped to reality and teleported into the shadows behind them.  I death glared, giving them an uneasy feeling, as they crawled further, I snapped the stick with my magic. That stick is hella tough, man. No one wants to mess with that stick. No one. It's also really big . . .


((You know what else is big? *eyebrow wiggle*))

((Lol sorry))

Still in the shadows, the person crawled a little faster. I sighed and got the whoopee cushion ready.

"Don't cha' know how to greet an ol' pal?"

Sh**! I messed up my lines. Great going, Sans.  A– for Amazing Failure.

"No, I never had any, not even a sibling, and I've never left my home until today,"

What. The. Hell.

This person better not touch Papyrus.

O R  E L S E .

"I-I...uh.. turn a-around a-and greet y-your..."

The person turned around. I stuck my hand out, waiting for the handshake. In the span of 5 seconds, I stared at the human.





Dang it. It's a girl. Will there ever be a male? I mean, frisk is gender fluid, but that doesn't mean she's a boy. The girl begins to reach out to shake my hand, but then stops suddenly.

"I-I-I see t-t-hat-t!"

". . . See what?"

"..t-the w-w-whoppie cushion!" They giggle, hacking up more blood than I have ever seen seconds later. Her eyelids fell, lost her balance, and fell over. I stared for at least 5 minutes, thinking if I should trust this girl.

sans x abused!readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz