fixing the lutece machine

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Liz goes downstairs.] Elizabeth: There, that machine -- it'll have the cathode tube. Got it. Now we need to find Old Man Winter and a CO2 scrubber. [She picks up the OMW nearby, too.] Elizabeth: Just what we needed. All we need now is a CO2 scrubber. [While snooping around, she finds a decrypted morse code translation.] Elizabeth: Hmph...looks like someone's been decrypting a code. "We've confirmed completion of the ace in the hole. Suchong has it, but unlikely to give it up easily. We'll update when we know more." What's that all about? [Liz sneaks out as splicers attack, heading for the bathysphere shop.] Elizabeth: Where there's bathyspheres, there's bound to be CO2 scrubbers... Booker: And why's that? Elizabeth: If you don't remove the carbon dioxide from the air supply in a submersible, you'll suffocate. One thing I did like about Rapture... lots of new books to read. We'll need a long-haul bathysphere, something where the CO2 buildup would limit the submersible period. [Liz starts a long elevator descent, sighing.] Booker: You okay? Elizabeth: I've seen all this happen before... I've seen it, everything, that will happen, and only see darkness. Booker: You sent yourself here for a reason. Elizabeth: The debt. Booker: If that's what you wanna call it. Elizabeth: This...Atlas. I'm gonna have to kill him. Either that or he'll kill me. Booker: Maybe so. Elizabeth: I'm not you, Booker, some war hero. I'm not even ME anymore. No tears, no omniscience or...whatever you wanna call it. Just a whole lot of book-learning...and a handful of lockpicks. [She gets off the lift and finds an old-timey submersible.] Elizabeth: "The Humpback Whale"...this thing's as old as the hills. Strictly bargain basement, you gotta wear an O2 tank and a mask. You won't find a scrubber on that. [She finds another.] Elizabeth: Oh, a '52 Mako. Classic...but it's a deathtrap. Twenty-eight known fatalities related to its use...carbon dioxide poisoning...and they're still on the market. Booker: They're steeply discounted, though. [Another sub is hanging near the ceiling.] Elizabeth: There: the Stingray. Submersible time of ninety minutes...that's our girl. Booker: All the way up there. Elizabeth: The grease monkeys had to get it up there somehow. Just gotta find the controls. Probably a switch around here somewhere. [Near the control room, Liz finds another morse code slip.] Elizabeth: Another coded message..."attempt to retrieve ace in the hole from Suchong unsuccessful. Ryan Private Security killed three of our men in the bargain. Will need to explore alternate method of obtaining ace." [Liz goes to the bay controls.] Elizabeth: This is going to be noisy... [She avoids the splicers and gets to the sub. The scrubber's in the floor.] Elizabeth: Got it. That was the last of it. Booker: Now you think you can manage the repair? Elizabeth: Sure, I've been fixing quantum field generators since kindergarten. [All pieces obtained, it's another elevator ride up.] Atlas: Any progress, love? I must confess, I'm becoming a wee bit skeptical. Elizabeth: Remind me: why am I supposed to care? Atlas: You see, me lads have taken a keen thirst for ADAM. And there's a vintage right in front of me that'll do nicely. Elizabeth: If you kill her, I hope you are truly happy living down here. Put down roots; start a family. Or maybe you think Andrew Ryan is gonna ride to your rescue. Atlas: Fair enough. But remember: there are fast ways to harvest Little Sisters...and some very slow ones. [On the way back, Liz finds another note in Bathyspheres Deluxe.] Elizabeth: "Whereabouts of the foreign bitch scientist unknown. Ryan presumes she's dead but our guess is she's gone underground with the Little Sisters. Options on obtaining the ace are dwindling." [The final note is in a clinic.] Elizabeth: "Atlas, the heat is on. Ryan knows something's up and is sending men to investigate the department store. Suggest you lay in supplies at the Manta Ray lounge and prepare for a siege." Hmm, looks like there's something in the Manta Ray lounge worth investigating. [Deep in the lounge, they find a poster of Elizabeth.] Booker: Elizabeth...this poster. What's this all about? Elizabeth: Cohen. Spent two months as his "discile" trying to get a line on his trafficking ring. Awful man. Booker: Why not just kill Comstock and be done with it? Elizabeth: Comstock had to know why. He had to know that he deserved it. Booker: And did he? Did he deserve it? Elizabeth: I suppose we all way or another. [She finds a strange countertop arrangement deep in the club.] Elizabeth: Those bottles...just like on the coded note to Fontaine... [Inside is a dressing room with all manner of men's makeup and wigs.] Elizabeth: Fontaine and Atlas...son of a bitch... [Eventually, Liz returns to the Silver Fin, talking as she places the parts.] Elizabeth: Now we won't immediately die of CO2 poisoning the moment we turn the thing on. Well, it's not the proper phospher frequency, but... it'll do. ...Okay, that should stop it from overheating. There... everything's fixed. We're ready. Booker: Let's fire it up and see. [The Lutece device works, showing the Columbia portal.] Elizabeth: Open sesame. Booker: What'd I tell you?

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