waking up in the toy department store

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Lonnie: Empty. Empty again. What are the odds? [In the background, a splicer is trying to pull Sally from the vent. Atlas, a major character from Bioshock 1, walk into view.] Atlas: What's the hold up? Lonnnie: Just having a bit of a laugh, Atlas. Atlas: This ain't a sportin' event. Put a bullet in her. No need to torture the poor girl. We're not animals, ya know. Lonnie: Alright, alright, alright... Elizabeth: Let her go! Lonnie: Quiet down now, dear...in a minute, all your problems will be over. [She hallucinates Booker being alive, sitting in a chair nearby.] Booker: Elizabeth. Tell him you can get him back. Elizabeth: Booker? Oh, Booker...what? I don't understand what... How-- Booker: Say "I can get" -- Say "I can get you back to Rapture." Elizabeth: What? Booker: Just say it. Elizabeth: I can get you back to Rapture! Atlas: Put the gun down. Now...what was that you said about Rapture? Elizabeth: I can get you back to Rapture. Atlas: And how you plan on doin' that, sister? You some kinda magician? Booker: Suchong. Elizabeth: What? Booker: Tell him "Suchong." Elizabeth: Suchong. Atlas: And how do you know that slant-eyed wonder? Booker: You're his lab assistant. Elizabeth: I'm his lab assistant. Atlas: If it escaped your notice, Andrew Ryan's sunk us 5,000 fathoms below his shining city. How does Suchong propose to get us back? Booker: That's between me... Elizabeth: That's between me... Booker: ...and the slant. Elizabeth: ...and the slant...but if I do this, the girl goes with me. Atlas: Little Sisters are worth their weight in gold. She's not up for negotiation. Elizabeth: Last time I checked, back in the city they were making Little Sisters by the dozen. Atlas: That's a right fairy tale you've dreamed up, sister. But if you're lying, we can just as well kill ya tomorrow. Down here, we got nothin' but time. [He kicks a radio to her.] Atlas: In case I need to get hold a ya. If you see Suchong, tell him: Atlas says he hasn't forgotten 'im. [Lonnie knocks her out. She comes to alone, except for Booker's corpse.] Booker: Elizabeth. Come on. It's time to get movin'. Elizabeth: Booker?... What?... Booker: Over here. On the radio. Elizabeth: You're not Booker. Booker: Of course I ain't. Elizabeth: What have I gotten myself into? I didn't orphan that girl. I didn't kidnap her. Booker: But she made for some exceptional bait, didn't she? Elizabeth: Had to be done. Booker: Did it? Elizabeth: I felt everything that every version of me felt. All of that knowledge, it...I lost a pinky. But that version of me, she lost everything! And Comstock -- that final Comstock -- he thought he could avoid his guilt by coming here. Booker: You educated him proper. Elizabeth: But then why am I back here? Huh? I don't remember opening a tear to come back. And who are you? Huh? Booker: I think you'll figure that out soon enough. [Liz sets out on escaping the deparment store.] Elizabeth: I was in Paris. I...I was happy. And now I'm here, dealing with this Atlas, this...this psychopath. What was I thinking? Booker: That wasn't Paris any more than I am Booker. Elizabeth: And now I have to find this...this Suchong... And, I don't even know who that is! Booker: Not yet. But you know he's the key, don't you? Elizabeth: To what? Booker: You're asking me? Elizabeth...I ain't even here. [Liz tries to unhinge some rubble.] Elizabeth: What are you? Huh? An how did you know exactly what to tell Atlas? Booker: Let me ask you a question: you feelin' like yourself, Elizabeth? Elizabeth: I feel...I feel strange and...and smaller, I...I can't see the doors, what's behind the doors, I...I can't see the future... I can't even see any tears! [She pushes clears the rubble to reveal a dead Elizabeth, impaled on rebar.] Elizabeth: Oh my god... [Flashback.] Elizabeth: Stay away from me... [Flashback ends.] Elizabeth: Booker... [Flashback: a Big Daddy approaches.] Elizabeth: No, no, no, please -- please, don't... [Flashback ends.] Elizabeth: I died here...I was killed by that-- [Flashback: the Big Daddy punches her into the wall, collapsing it.] Elizabeth: Stay away from me! [Flashback ends.] Elizabeth: But then, how am I...here? How can I be dead in this world and yet-- [She notices her nose is bleeding and her missing pinky is restored.] Elizabeth: My finger... What am I, huh? I...I don't understand, I-I... Rosalind: If we're going to end up at the same place, I don't see the harm in enjoying the ride. Robert: Are you being cute? [Elizabeth finds herself in the rowboat that started the main campaign, with the Luteces there, of course.] Rosalind: I've come round to your way of thinking. Robert: Have you? Rosalind: Yes. I do believe one can change things. But after all the bother, one often wishes that one had not. Robert: You're a fatalist. Rosalind: A physicist? Robert: A fatalist. Rosalind: So was Newton. Especially when it came to apples falling from trees. They always contrive to land with a splat. She left the child to rot. Robert: Are you implying she's the apple? Rosalind: I'm implying that she did not fall far from the tree. Robert: And now she wants to go back. Elizabeth: I need to go back. To fix what I broke. Rosalind: Back to where she has no right to be. Robert: Back to where she doesn't belong. Elizabeth: Doesn't belong? Wait, what do you mean? Rosalind: Do you want to tell her, brother, or shall I? Elizabeth: Because I died... Rosalind: There are rules. Robert: Even for one such as you. Rosalind: She'll forget. Robert: All the doors. Rosalind: And what's behind all the doors. Robert: All closed to her now. Rosalind: She'll be just like the rest of us. Robert: Forgetting the past-- Rosalind: --the present-- Robert: --the future. Rosalind: I'd wager she won't even remember this conversation. We've arrived. [Elizabeth disembarks at a lighthouse.] Rosalind: You're trading omniscience and croissants for death and mildew. Elizabeth: I left Sally to rot...for what? So I could punish Comstock? He was trying to help her, to save her, and I... If I don't make that right... Robert: We all have our crosses to bear. Rosalind: But, there is a thin line between a martyr and a fool. Luteces: (singing) Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream... Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream... [The rowboat disappears out of sight. She opens the lighthouse door, putting her back in Rapture at the point she discovers her dead self.] Elizabeth: The Luteces warned me that if I came back here, I would collapse. Booker: Collapse? Elizabeth: From a-a quantum superposition...to just me. Booker: A quantum what? Elizabeth: I've changed, Booker. No tears, no cosmic knowledge...just a normal girl with a normal pinky. Wait, if...if I can't open tears...I'm never leaving here, am I? I...I'm never going back to Paris... And you, you're just -- you're -- you're just what? You're just the fragments of my memory telling me what my future holds? Booker: You decided to come here, Elizabeth. You knew what that meant. Only option, as I see it, is to trust yourself. Find Suchong.

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