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Pain was the first thing Karlie felt when she opened her eyes. Her head felt like someone used it as a trampoline, she probably drank one or two shots too much yesterday. The second thing she felt was the warmth, coming from the still unconscious body lying next to her.

Slowly the model climbed out of her bed, careful not to awake the girl next to her. Unfortunately she wasn't careful enough, which was proven when the girl next to her slowly opened up her eyes. It seems like Taylor Swift isn't a heavy sleeper, Karlie thought while she put on some clothes and pretended to not have noticed the now open eyes of the singer.

The brunette searched frantic for her pack of malboros. She definitely needed a cigarette. Still a bit tired, the model stumbled in her kitchen and lit her cigarette, taking a few deep breaths and building a cloud of smoke in her messy kitchen. She felt the nicotine filling her body and clearing her thoughts. Just as she was about to finish the nicotine between her lips an insecure looking Taylor entered the models now smoke filled kitchen and started coughing.

Karlie felt a smile forming in her face. It was so typical for the 'oh so innocent' singer to have never even considered smoking, she thought while she enjoyed the look of the almost naked Taylor in front of her. After all, she had a body, even some models would be jealous of.

"Are there already paparazzi outside?", the brunette finally broke the silence.

"What?", Taylor asked confused, shyly hugging herself.

The green eyed model couldn't help but smirk. Even though they had been quite intimate with each other yesterday, the singer was still insecure about her body.

"Paparazzi. Aren't they always by your side?" Karlie new that it was a painful topic for the singer, but it wasn't like she cared. "So are they also here right now?"

Taylor carefully peeked out of the window and nodded.

The girl sighed. "Then comb your hair before you leave."

Taylor's blue eyes filled with confusion. "What?"

"Comb. Your. Fucking. Hair.", Karlie replied sharply. "And then freakin' leave." The conversation started to get annoying.

Taylor just stared at the model in confusion, her ocean blue eyes slowly filling with tears.

"Haven't you heard me? LEAVE!", the brunette shouted. She hated this part.

"I'm only a one-night-stand? That's it?", the singer asked, not able to hide the pain in her voice.

"Oh, did little miss princess thought she was special? Sorry to interrupt your fairy tales, but in this case being Taylor Swift doesn't make you something exquisite. You are just like everyone else and you will just leave like everyone else.", Karlie said in a baby voice with a fake sad expression on her face. Slowly with hanging shoulders the blonde turned around leaving Karlie alone in the Kitchen.

It was always the same. It was an easy for Karlie to wrap every girl around her finger. She knew exactly what they wanted and was ready to give it to them. A couple of drinks later they always ended up in Karlies apartment ready for the best part. The sex.

It was a miracle that they never got tired of her since every girl ended up leaving with nothing but a broken heart and a memory of a night filled with energy and pure lust, but having the face and body of a model seemed to have its benefits. And Karlie knew exactly how to make other girls feel special.

Her thoughts suddenly got interrupted by the singer, whos hair wasn't messy anymore, carefully walking to Karlies door. Just as the girl was about to touch the doorknob, the ringtone of Taylor's cellphone filled the room. The slender fingers of the singer searched through her purse until they felt the cold metal of the ringing device. With a quick swipe, Taylor accepted the call.

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