Before You Read

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This story is under major construction. You have been thoroughly warned.

If you're a fan of this book or my page and have read it before, I encourage you to read it again. You'll be astounded by the difference. It's like a completely different book. If you don't wish to read it again, but still enjoyed it, please know I have full intentions of submitting this book in the Watty's 2017. Any votes would be greatly appreciated. I love you guys lots.

Some things that I have changed:

1. The name of her brother is Xander. In the unrevised chapters, he will be referred to as Brandon. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

2. The details are slightly changed. As of right now, there is no more white wolf/black wolf thing going on. Yes, I intend for her to be a white wolf, and them to be black wolves, but it no longer has any significance to the plot. I am tossing around whether to edit out the elemental part or not, but I guess we'll see what happens.

3. I have added much more detail and tried to make this book considerably better without changing the plot that everyone loves.

4. The chapters will no longer be song references.

5. I will be updating a new cover as soon as it's finished. A good friend of mine is designing it herself.

6. My story is All Rights Reserved.

7. I updated the description to make it better.

8. I will be deleting the sequel. If, in the future, I decide to pick it back up, so be it. But as of right now, I have full intentions on deleting my sequel as soon as everything is finished.

9. Chapters are now increasingly longer, and I will continue to make them longer as I edit.

10. The mature scenes aren't as graphically detailed; they will still be in the same quantity, just with better quality.

Thank you for choosing to read my book, even with it's many flaws and construction. As soon as I finish all of my editing, I'll remove this part from the book. I appreciate all of my followers who have stood by me; loved and supported me and told me not to take this book down. You all are the driving force behind my work and passion.

With best love,



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