"Rude old man! How was I disrupting the class when I did nothing?" I whispered.

"Evs,I told you to pretend. Now look at what you've done. Please just pick up the pencil and pretend you're solving some questions!"

"Fine." I grabbed my pencil and started scribbling down possible answers with their workings as help to figure out the answer to the dumb question. When the bell rang,I couldn't have been more happier. I packed up so fast that I thought I had superhuman speed.

"Sorry! I didn't see you walking." I said to a girl I bumped into outside the class. She just nodded and kept her head down,walking away. Her purple hair stood out amongst-WAIT! 

"Jazzy Knight! Stop right where you are and don't even think about running!" She stopped and didn't even move a muscle. Well that's a first. I walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder to turn her around. 

"What in the name of god were you thinking? Running down the hallway,screaming that I have a crush on a stranger! What will people think of me? Were you crazy?"


"Aww,she cares about what people think about her. How sweet? Who's this stranger that you have a crush? Has he seen you? I bet he hasn't!" A sickly sweet voice cooed.

"Oh god!" I grumbled and turned around to look at that person who spoke.

"It's been a long time,Evelyn Williams! How have you been?" Harlene Francis,leader of the cheer squad asked me with sickly sweet smile on her face that I so wanted to slap it away. Don't ask why but I really don't get along with the cheer girls. They're all so fake and annoying.

"I was fine and happy until you arrived!" I sassily replied. Did that do me any good? Nope,it didn't!

"Did I hurt your feelings? Are you going to cry for your mommy? Do you need some tissues?"

"Leave,Harlene! You aren't needed here. You can't hurt something that I don't have now can you? Plus,I'm not a baby like you that cries for the smallest of things!"

"Hmm,I like your attitude but it's getting you no where hun! Are you sure you don't have feelings? Isn't there a guy,at least one guy that makes your heart race and flutter? Unless you're not even straight,that is." She smirked at me in victory.

"Don't worry,I'm straight but I ain't interested in guys at school because well,they aren't of my standards and my type!"

"And here I thought you didn't have any standards! I guess I was right!" That did it. Something sparked within me and I felt a surge of power go through my body.

"What is your problem with me? What have I done to you? Are you jealous of me?" I growled,completely ignoring all the flickering lights and the darkening of my eyes along with everything around me.

"Evs,what the hell are you doing? Can you please calm down? She's just meesing with your head,chica! Snap out of it!" Jazzy yelled into my ear but that didn't help at all. I was still glaring at her and the flickering got worse.

"Are you witch now? Is that what you've been hiding all this while?" Harlene asked causing all the students to gasp and back away from me.

"Enough,Harlene! You're just making things up. The flickering could just be a maintenance issue. Are you getting scared because of a little flicker?" Jazzy stood up for me.

"Jazzy Knight is standing up for her friend. Are you a witch too? No wonder you're so ugly!" She laughed evilly that made her sound like a dying walrus.

"Says the one that's cackling like a dying walrus!" Jazzy mocked and smirked when Harlene glared at her.

"You know,I still can't believe that you and the school's hottest boy are related but I might be wrong. He's hot and smart while you,well not so much. Maybe you're adopted! Ever thought of that?" Now,she just crossed the limit and she was going to get it. Jazzy has really bad anger control sometimes I'm scared she might burst into flames.

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