'I do know that,' said Asmodeus, 'but I came because I wanted to see your expression when it happens.'

Kael's eyes narrowed. 'When what happens?'

And then Kael felt the ground move beneath his feet. No, not move – tremble – and Kael caught himself against Zed's door as he heard the earth rumble like a beast was rousing from beneath it. Nearby he heard car alarms go off, and the windows of Zeds' building rattled from the tremors. An earthquake in Melbourne?

Kael looked back to Christian to see him tipping his head back, his gaze lifting skyward in contentment. Then he met Kael's eyes again, just as the shadow that had formed him began to materialise in the air, curling around his arms and legs to consume him.

As he disappeared, Christian smiled and said, 'She's finally awake.'

The earthquake stopped and Kael slowly opened his fists, his fingers stiff from being clenched so tightly. Dread had begun to form deep in his chest, weighing down his heart at Christian's words.

She's finally awake.

Did he mean...?

Kael stopped the thought and headed inside, finding Zed picking up a few books that had fallen from the shelf in the lounge. Zed regarded Kael's appearance said, 'Well, I'm guessing it wasn't the earthquake that caused all those injuries. What'd Drake do now?'

'It wasn't his fault,' said Kael, but then he gave it a second thought and said, 'Actually, it was his fault. He failed to mention that the rogue Alchemist Tank ran the Melbourne Demon Brawls.'

'Ah,' said Zed in understanding. 'You obviously survived.'


'Find out what you needed to?'

'No,' Kael replied, the frustration at Tank's trickery returning for just a moment. 'It wasn't entirely pointless though. Tank told me that the blood bracelets aren't causing me to harm Taryn.'

'What made you think that in the first place?' Zed asked.

Kael realised he hadn't confided in Zed about the matter and, in retrospect, he probably should have. 'Cecile told me.'

'And you believe everything Cecile says?'

Kael thought of Taryn's symptoms whenever he was close to her, how they seemed to coincide with what Cecile told him. 'I need to speak with her.'

'Good luck trying to find her. She's not returning my calls.'

Kael scrubbed a hand down his face in both exhaustion and frustration and said, 'I also had a visit from the Infernum after Taryn, right as the earthquake hit. His name is Asmodeus.'

'Asmodeus? That's... concerning,' said Zed. 'I recognise the name.'

'Every demon should,' Kael murmured. 'Any news on Ace and Eljae?'

Zed shook his head, and then Kael felt a light draft sweep through the room. It was of an entirely supernatural nature though, and so Kael turned toward its source to see a Doorway peeling open beside the front desk. He wasn't surprised when Julius stepped through.

'Let me guess, you're here about the earthquake?' said Kael.

Julius' eyes dulled as he walked into the lounge, the Doorway remaining open behind him. 'Melbourne wasn't the only city hit.'

'Other states?'

'Other countries,' Julius corrected him.

'Which means they weren't natural,' Zed surmised.

The Blood Bracelets #2: Demon BornWhere stories live. Discover now