Second Chances Are Impossible

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This is for the writing contest of hannahsue--
I wish you will enjoy this short story.


There once was a chance that I didn't take but I don't regret it.

I have always loved to be the star of everything. I always wanted to be the best.

At the same time, having the best love life is part. I study in Amethyst Academy, where my favorite teachers are, favorite friends and of course my favorite guy.

"Hey Maxine, are you still awake?", Cassandra, one of my best friends asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah I'm awake.", I answered with a smile.

"Ever since you fought with Kyle, you've been daydreaming a lot.", said Nicole, my other best friend.

"I'm sorry, let's just go to the cafeteria.", I answered trying to change the topic.

My best friends were always there for me. Sure they were popular like me but they never were fake friends and I always trusted them like they trusted me.

I had a crush on Kyle. I thought that he was a proper guy, cause he always acts so kind, proper and gentle.

My friends had warned me about him but I, being a stubborn girl, thought that they just had a crush on him too and didn't want me to be with him.

I tried to get closer to him and one day, he just suddenly asked me out. Of course I said yes and he set out our first date in the park at 5:00 pm.

I wore my sleeveless white crop top, high waisted jeans and white Adidas Superstars.

I got my bag and drove my car to the park at exactly 5:00.

I found him sitting down on a bench, talking to someone.

"Yeah. Well I'm so gonna do your bet and you gotta pay up.", I heard him talking on his phone. I was curious of what it was so I continued listening.

"She really thought that I liked her. I mean I'm the school's bad boy, outside of school.", he said while chuckling a little.

I was so surprised, mad and annoyed at what I heard. He just asked me out because of some stupid bet. I ran off to who cares. I just really needed to get out of the park.

I never dated anyone yet and this was supposed to be my first date but he just had to ruin it.

Ever since then, I didn't see what I saw in him back then. He called and called me but I ignore it. He told me that he would give me a second chance but I said no. He gave me another chance but second chances are overrated. They're impossible.

I blocked his number, I never talked to him, I erased him from my life.

"Max! Please stop daydreaming, you're scaring us to death.", Nicole said with worry written all over her face.

"I'm fine, you guys."

I love my friends. They never left me even though I know they get a little annoyed with me spacing out. They are the best friends anyone could ask for.

They stay through thick and thin and never leave me on my own. We are always beside each other, ready to catch when one has fallen.

Now if one of them makes a mistake, I would give them a second chance. No second chances are impossible. I would do what is right. I would forgive them because I know that they are true and that they really are my friends.

True friends will always stay with you, no matter how much of a loner, loser or weirdo you are because they are who understand you the most.

Everyone makes mistakes and when your TRUE friend makes one, never leave them. Give them a second chance. No, second chances are impossible. Do what is right.

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