Part Four: A Lucky Man

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The night after that progressed on very slowly. It only felt like an hour, but it had been three since the argument between her and Elton. The party had long since died down and only a few people- such as Elton's closest friends and bandmates- remained downstairs.
The clock slowly ticked in the background, making Jeannie as she sat on Elton's bed and rocked herself into a ball of silence.
She had stopped crying now, and was staring at the door in front of her. She knew that somebody was right there behind the wooden wall that acted as a barrier between Jeannie's broken heart and the outside world. Every time she gazed upon that door, it made her feel ill at ease.
There was a soft knock.
"Hey there, Jeannie. Please open the door." There was a voice from someone she thought she recognized, but wasn't sure she knew.
When she didn't get up to open it, the voice spoke again.
"Darling Jeannie, I'm so sorry, you don't understand. Please open this door." It was him. She immediately turned her head and faced the wall, even though they couldn't see each other.
"I want to talk to you, Jeannie. I won't hurt you any further. Now please, let me inside."
She stopped at thought about it for a second. Should she risk her chances again and see if he could tear her heart even further? For some reason a feeling in her heart told her to open it for him. Reluctantly, she got up and turned the handle.
Elton was standing before her, although he didn't look so big and grand anymore. His eyes were pitch red; so red that he looked ungodly sick. His cheeks were red, his hands were red- everything on him was red from the frustration and pain of crying. Seeing this, she could already tell that there was at least some sort of sympathy left in the man.
Elton didn't barge on inside this time. Instead he politely waited for Jeannie to step aside and allow him access into the bedroom, where her heart essentially lied bare and open. He took one step forward and breathed... slowly, completely... he inhaled as much as he could and produced a long, heavy sigh afterwards, just to take in the atmosphere. His room felt very different when it was the center of agony and hatred.
"Jeanette, I want to apologize to you." He said, the anger in his voice completely absent, revealing a more truthful, trustworthy Elton before her eyes.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed his tired eyes, "I know it will be hard to forget, maybe impossible, but..." He looked as if he was going to cry, the way his eyes seemed as wet as the ocean, but he didn't. "I'm very, truly sorry."
Jeannie looked at him, trying to be sympathetic, but her heart was still shattered. She couldn't. She looked at him blankly and refused to walk and closer.
"I... I know I fucked up this time. It's all my fault. See, Jeannie, I just want to let you know how much-" His voice cracked, and the watering in his eyes became clearing evident, "I love you..." He finished, and one lonely tear rolled down his cheek, through the crevices of his nose, and dissipated in between his lips.
She looked at him, and he had his hands buried in his face, which fell to his lap. Now she could feel her heart slowly breaking with him.
"I can't explain it, but... over this past week, I have been thinking about you, Jeannie." He weeped, quietly, in his large, shaking hands. "I mean about us. I've been thinking bout us as a whole."
Jeannie wiped some tears from her eyes, and watched Elton do the same.
"I have realized that we hadn't spent enough time together lately." Suddenly, he really began to cry now, much to Jeannie's surprise. She hadn't seen this man cry in front of her in what felt like ages. She knew now that he was serious about his apology.
"It's all my fault for ignoring your feelings, Jeannie. I don't want you to feel lonely, or like you don't have me to lean on to. Honey, I'm always here for you." He looked up at her, and in desperation he held out his hands, requesting that she hug him.
She looked at his open arms with a little dismay, but she knew that his intentions now were only to do good. So she slowly walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his warm, soothing body, and began to feel her heart warm up again as he cried and cried softly behind her. She could feel his chest heaving in and out, in and out- and she knew that his heart was broken, too. He was not the stranger she had visualized him as. He was the one who had her heart, and he was going to do everything in his willpower to build it back up again.
"I would like to confess that-" He gulped, his arms still wrapped around her tightly, "That actually all this frustration is because..." He suddenly stopped heaving and crying, and pulled his arms back so he could look at the girl's face he loved right in front of him, "Because I... I wanted to... marry you."
She tilted her head and opened her mouth, sort of shocked. "...How in the world?"
"At first, I didn't think you would accept, but-" He let more wet tears trickle down his weary face, "But then I began to worry about what would happen if we did."
Jeannie gave him a long look in his eyes, which she had never seen so defeated before. She could tell that he had been suffering just as much as she was.
"I thought, 'what if it didn't last?' I couldn't bare to think of harming you the way I've hurt others." His voice became low, and hidden behind his pathetic sobbing.
"I didn't want this to just be a spur of the moment thing, because god, Jeannie... I love you!!"
His body slumped over into a ball and he sat there helplessly, trying to hold back his tears as much as he could. He was sniffling and tried keep it all up his nose, but there was just too much. He couldn't contain all of his emotions like this.
Jeannie was also crying a waterfall of feelings and emotions- especially watching him weep, too. So she grabbed a nearby tissue box from the nightstand and handed it to Elton, taking a couple for herself as well.
"Elton..." She spoke tenderly beside him, trying to understand him, "It's okay."
But he refused to accept that. He slouched down even further until his head was completely in his lap.
"But I hurt you anyways, and it's all entirely my fault. And I understand if you want to leave me..."
"Elton!" Jeannie nearly gasped, but instead her eyes only grew big. "I would never do that, you mean so much to me..."
Elton moaned with sadness and tried to sit up again. His body ached and his heart shook a feeling he had never felt before. He blew his nose, but some of it got on his hands and fingers, and he whined helplessly at it all.
"And see, I was getting so frustrated thinking about you that I thought having a party would help me get my mind off things and think straight, but..." He sighed, "I guess it didn't work."
Things finally started piecing together for Jeannie. He did care about her. He did love her- so much in fact that it was breaking down this man's barriers to underlie his true feelings for her. Even the ones that pained him now.
"And I guess... seeing how all those guys were flirting with you, and seeing Bernie hold you, I just thought, 'God, I'm losing my darling Jeannie!'"
Jeannie couldn't believe it. All this time she had been thinking she was losing Elton when he was thinking he was losing her!
"Elton, me and Bernie- we're just friends." She moved closer to him on the bed and touched his shoulders protectively, much the same way Bernie did to her.
Elton moaned again, "Yeah, and I knew this. I knew this all along but... I got angry and took this all out on you two, and I shouldn't have. And I'm so sorry, Jeannie. I blew things way out of proportion."
His voice continued to crack and he began trembling from his elbows down to his fingertips. He closed his eyes and felt her tiny, sweet hands touch him so calmly. He flinched each time her fingers made contact with his skin, and she did the same.
"Elton, I forgive you. I do. I... I don't want you to hide yourself from me any more though. I need your honesty, the truth." She leaned over and put her head on his shoulders, and hugged him from behind. Resting her head on him for awhile, she closed her eyes and began dreaming of them loving each other endlessly again. She wanted to make it work.
"I actually-" she looked up at the ceiling first, then at Elton's cheek beside her. She could see the reflection of her cuddling his body close, and he wasn't sobbing anymore. But his eyes were still very red.
"I want to marry, too. I used to have dreams about us. One time, you proposed to me on stage. It was the most realistic dream, Elton. I was crying when I woke up."
He looked up from his lap and at the mirror directly in front of them. Their eyes made contact.
"Jeannie, I worry that others will-"
"Don't worry what others think." She held him even closer, until their soft, baby smooth cheeks pressed together. "Don't worry. You once told me you could love anybody,- no matter their race, gender, sexuality, or age."
He turned his head and their lips were closer than ever before. He sighed and the hot breath escaped his mouth and hit her lips. The desire for his love was unbearable now.
His tone was weak, his voice was trembling, "But... do you still love me?"
This made Jeannie's heart burst; but instead of nothingness, she found only a galaxy of love beyond what she knew she could contain. Now she would find him and his love as a whole, and they would find each other's bliss and happiness as they gave everything to one another.
"Kiss me!" She begged, crying, but with twinkles in her eyes. With her left hand around his neck, and the other around his cheek, chin and lips, Jeannie kissed him as passionately as she could, feeling as if the man she had dreamed of was finally back- and for good. Here he was, Elton John, the one she had exposed her everything and more to. The man, the soul she fell madly in love with. He was back. And now they've been through thick and thin together.
His eyes watered down his cheeks, and he moaned deep down inside his chest for the love of this girl. He couldn't control his hands- they wrapped around her waist as he pressed his wet lips against hers. They cried, together, kissing as much they could. They were longing desperately to recover their broken hearts, and Elton wanted her to forgive him more than anything.
"Yes..." Jeannie smiled in between the kiss, "I really, truly, deeply love you."
"Please..." Elton begged, panting, sweating, "Please forgive me."
"I do."
Elton never felt a kiss so gratifying in his life. He didn't want to let go, but he had to eventually. The way she held on to his cheek, so careful, so sensitive... he couldn't believe himself even half the words he had said to her earlier. It wasn't him. It just wasn't like himself to do something like that. He wanted to put it in the past, push it far to the back of his mind, and hoped that the awful memory would rot beneath all the brand new beautiful ones that he would make with her from now on.
When they broke the kiss, hardly any of then were even ready to let go. Jeannie almost leaned back for more- as addicted as she was to his love- but she resited the urge as she saw his lips move to speak.
"That party, Jeannie;" He said, rubbing his eyes slowly, "Was kind of supposed to be, w-well..." He took a deep breath and sighed, thinking over something to himself. He looked up at the ceiling, then his lap, over and over, as lif he was trying to see something, see through God. But he just looked at Jeannie in the end.
"Well, it didn't go as planned. I- I was supposed to do this earlier but-"
"Oh Elton! I need to tell you something." She blurted, then sort of laughed, "Oh sorry, I interrupted. What were you saying?"
He shook his head and gave a small smile. "No, go on."
"Well..." Her face suddenly dulled as she turned her head and looked at the cold bedroom window.
"I kinda... destroyed... the necklace you gave m-m-me." She frowned, and then looked down at the floor and began to seriously regret what she had done.
"I'm so sorry- I- I was just... I was just mad at the time!"
But Elton did not look upset at all. He gave her another small smile and closed his eyes.
"You know, Jeannie?" He said, moving his hands and shuffling them in his pockets, searching for something. "I have something better for you anyways."
He pulled out a tiny white box, and Jeannie knew what it was right away. With tears suddenly swelling in her eyes, she held her breath and anticipated what was about to happen next. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't wait. This was no dream, she was really experiencing this. A sudden rush of bliss, joy, happiness, and pure love rised throughout her body... from her shaking fingertips to her fluttering heart of butterflies. She had already forgotten about the argument earlier, and it wasn't coming back now. This was her dream come true- the love of her man truly shining through.
"I know this is s-supposed to be all romantic and stuff, and I wasn't really planning on uh, doing this right n-now, but..." He stuttered, although subtle, and curled his fingers around the box, kindly caressing it and feeling it. Blushing slightly, he looked down at the box and thought of just what to say next.
"I don't want to w-wait anymore. I was going to give this to you at the party... that's actually what it was all about. You... and me... but, things happened and well- alright. I'll just do it."
He stuttered and talked about a mile a minute, and Jeannie could tell he was nervous deep in his heart for her reaction. But he just didn't know how badly she was dreaming and waiting for this day. She really couldn't believe it was happening right now!
"Jeannette," His blushing grew and he tried to bite his lip to hold it all back, but it only made his cute little smile even bigger.
"Will... you marry me?"
He gently opened the box, and revealed the most gorgeous, stunning, shiny wedding ring Jeannie had ever seen!! Dashing silver rhinestones, and a crystal rose right on the top- it was too much for her to handle. Too much! And he was giving this precious ring to her? To love her forever and endlessly? To spend the rest of his life with her? She was going to faint!
The first words she said came out of her mouth like a blur-
"Oh, Reginald!!" It all happened so fast. She jumped on him and squealed, tears streaming down her cheek endlessly; and she knocked him over and the two of them fell off the bed- kissing and cuddling and squealing with delight!
"Mmmmm, my darling, yes, I will, I will!" She panted, trying to breath from knocking each other off the bed. They were on the floor now, and Elton had dropped the ring and it rolled across the carpet. He laughed and held her little body close to his.
"Don't lose the ring, sweetie!" He reached out and grabbed it with one hand, while the other was on her cheek. She laid on him carefully and then bent down to give him the greatest kiss she could give.
She kissed him more, and more, and more... bringing his adorable, round little cheeks to her lips and smooching them so romantically. She couldn't stop, and she wouldn't. He felt different again this time, but for once it was a "different" that she liked. Oddly enough, he seemed to be more mature, and she noticed this from the very beginning. From the first time they met, all the way until now, Jeannie noticed that Elton was growing up himself- and it was so sweet. And she soaked all of his love and adoration for her in this beautiful kiss now- from the very beginning, up until this point- and she felt it. She felt the true love in his kiss, she could feel herself growing stronger, connected, undivided- and it was then that she realized everything was actually meant to be. And that everything happened for a reason- even the argument. To overcome such pain together meant they would be as closer than ever now.
And then there was a knock on the door, cutting the romance to a halt- and Elton told whomever behind the door to come inside. It was Bernie and the other guys; the last remaining from the party. They had been downstairs the whole time and were checking on how things were going between Elton and Jeannie. But when they opened the door, all they could do was gasp and smile at the beautiful scene.
"Elton!?" Bernie's jaw dropped, delighted at what he saw; his two wonderful friends making sweet love again. "You did it?"
"She..." Elton gasped for a breath of air with Jeannie's love making all over his lips, cheeks, and neck... "Said yes!"
All the men began to laugh until they could hardly breathe any longer. It was such a precious moment, yet so cute how they finally made up and decided stay together.
Bernie turned over to the guys and whispered in their ears, "I, I am suprised a little... that they made it work through."
Davey chuckled and leaned into the huddle circle, "Ahh come on, Bernie, they were always in such love with each other. Look at 'em." Everyone turned their heads and peeked at the two love birds kissing and touching each other from the cheeks to the neck, to the waist and down on the floor... moaning and laughing and grinning, knowing it was the best night of their lives.
"They're so damn adorable!" Nigel pointed and laughed. "They were meant to be."
"Yeah, I guess you're right...!" Bernie sighed with relief, knowing that there would be no more war in this house any longer. 
"I wish I could find love this sweet!" Davey joked, and the rest of the band began laughing with him, watching Jeannie finalize her last kisses upon her beloved fiancé. She eased off of him and sat on the floor with her head spinning in a daze. Elton laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling, still mesmerized by the kiss.
"Well congratulations, Reg!" Bernie chuckled and walked over to the bewildered Elton on the floor. He smiled back, still lost in his thought.
"I..." He began.
"You're a lucky man, I know." Bernie interrupted with a nod. The rest of the band walked in the room with them now.
Suddenly, Elton began to chuckle, and then it became more and more intense, until he couldn't hold back the silly emotions of joy, love and happiness again. He started laughing, closing his eyes and laying on the floor with his feet up in the air. How it felt to be a happy schoolboy all over again...!
"I love her!" He randomly blurted, rubbing his eyes, then touching his cheeks and lips for a reality check. He couldn't stop laughing. The smiles just came as he rolled around across the floor like a childish, cute boy. And then the smiles formed into deep, rosey red blushes.
"And she's yours, all yours. Keep her, love her, always. This is so sweet..." Bernie smiled, then helped Elton up off the floor. All this time Jeannie was giggling and blushing back at everyone in the room.
Nigel then spoke up, happy as can be, "Jeannie, we have never seen Elton so... elated." 
She took another look at her fiancé again in a new light now. It was safe to say he was totally obsessed with her. When a man can fall in front of his woman and trust her to build each other back up again, you know you've found true love in between.
"He's such a little kid!" She laughed, then scooted closer to him on the floor. They sat in front of each other, grinning ear to ear and beaming with bliss and ecstasy. He pulled her legs onto his lap, then took a hold of her hands gleefully.
"And this..." He said, holding her soft fingers in one hand, and the tiny ring in the other, "Is yours, my love." 
Jeannie immediately closed her eyes tightly and held her breath. She felt the silver ring slipping onto her finger and down her knuckle, fitting perfectly snug. She held his hand and moved her fingers, feeling the shiny new ring resting on her smooth skin. She never felt a ring fit her so flawlessly.
"It's perfect, it's gorgeous, look at it, Elton!" Jeannie boasted, holding up her hand for Elton to see. He turned his head and tried to hide his smile, staring at the rose ring on his girl's tender hand.
"And it says my name, engraved on the inside." He winked.
She pulled the ring off and brought it up to her eyes, reading the teeny tiny text imprinted inside. There she found his dazzlingly name engraved inside sterling silver.
"Elton, how much did you spend on that ring, man!?" Davey laughed.
"All my love...!?" Elton teased, giving his friend a sneer.
Jeannie put the ring back on her finger and sighed, so happy that she was getting married to her loving man! This ring would remind her of Elton and his romance, his passion, and deep love for her... and her friend, lover, and soon to be husband in him. There was really too much love for her to process here!

Elton got up at last and helped Jeannie up, too, and they stood in front of Bernie and the others and exchanged hugs. It felt so good to just be easy and carefree for once- seeing the true colors of their friends.
"Well, you know..." Nigel shyly talked, "Where you two gonna have it?" He meant the wedding.
"Aaahh," Elton scratched his ear and then placed his arm around Jeannie's body, "I don't know, maybe something small, like on top of the world!?" Everybody snorted with laughter at this.
"But seriously, man!" Nigel stated.
"We'll figure it out, won't we, sweetie?" Elton put his forehead up against Jeanie and pinched her cheek, making her blush instantly.
"I want it outside!" She blurted, and once again a chorus of laughter sounded from the men. Elton took her arm and put it around his, then leaned his head on her shoulder and kissed her neck affectionately.
"I-I can't stop kissing you." He whispered near her ear, though everybody heard.
"When you do it it feels so good..." She moaned back.
Bernie turned around with the guys and made their way back to the door.
"Well, I suppose we'll leave you two alone now. We'd better get going. I-" He took at look at everyone in the room and chuckled lowly, "I think uh, they'd like to bang for awhile, I can see..." 
Elton's cheeks turned flush red and he looked down at the floor embarrassedly.
"Ah, no, you guys don't have to leave." He smiled, cradling Jeannie close to his chest. "You can sleep downstairs."
Jeannie tugged Elton's shirt sleeve and closed her eyes, "Come on, Elt'n..." She pleaded sweetly, wanting more of his attention alone in his bedroom.
Bernie laughed at her cuteness and and shrugged. "Well alrighty, I'll stay for the night. And how about...?" He turned and faced the rest of the "crew".
They all agreed to stay for Elton's company.
"Well good." He smirked, then faced Jeannie and kissed her forehead, "We'll be up here, then."
And he slyly pushed Bernie and all the others out the door.
Bernie looked at everyone else and whispered something with a chuckle.
"He's a lucky man, I'll tell ya that." 

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