💔 Broken Promises 💔

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You Once Said " We Are Eternal ; Forever Bound "
Its Strange how empty these words now sound ...

You Once gave me a promise ring with words engraved;
"You are mine forever " , shining as my fingers I waved ..
Now when I glance upon these words ,
They look like helpless caged birds .

You once held my hand as we walked by the sea,
"Eternal "  You said "  That's what we are meant to be "
The Sea is still the same but dear you did change ,
Now those broken words they sound so strange..

You once took me to a serene , calm ground ,
I saw fireflies flickering around ....
" I'll light up your worldYou said "Like these bugs light up these dark grounds"
Dark is my world now And Darkness is what all it surrounds .

You once held in your hands a lovely red rose ,
"I'll beautify your world" you said "Our love will never lose "
Its mocking how you were the one who  took away,
All the  lights from my night and day ...

You once wrote letters to me while you were away in the far lands,
" I miss you " you would say " I miss caressing your gentle hands" .
Now those syllables, now those letters ;
They rip my broken heart to shatters..

You once held me close, singing for me , amidst the pouring rain;
"I can be your hero baby , I can kiss away the pain "
You were the one who created these deep scars,
I learnt how not to compare love with the infinite stars.

But oh ! Don't you worry cuz now I do believe,
The sparks of true love is not what you always receive ..
You are not my soulmate, oh no ! You never can be,
You walked away when I fell head over heels for thee...

But You my dear you never failed to become a great teacher,
You preached of love ,   but failed to become a true preacher.
You taught me so well to see through the camouflage , to see through the lies,
You made me realize , how faces change , how promises break as the time flies .

Ok  well I honestly apologize for this one its not worth it right ?? :(
Anyways your votes and comments still mean a lot to me ... Kindly vote and comment


- Ritzy

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