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dean walked down the noisy hallway of students heading towards his locker.

he put in his combination , glancing to his left to see a flier taped to the locker next to his.

it said;

who are YOU taking to prom ?

come to the biggest event of the year !

tickets now on sale at main office.

he took it off , examining it closer. 'who would even want to go with someone like me ?' he thought. shoving it into his backpack grabbing the rest of his things then deciding to whether or not go through the noisy and crowded hallway again to the closer exit or go the long way through the much quieter hallway.

it didn't take long for him to decide , not wanting to get pushed and shoved. closing his locker he then turned on his heals going the long way.

he turned the corner toward the exit but bumping into a couple who were making out. he rolled his eyes , going around them and continued walking.

he kept his head down , watching as his feet step on every other tile. his head snapped up when he heard a door open and close.

who came out was castiel novak.

dean smiled. he had a so called 'crush' on castiel novak.

even though he didn't have the courage to even talk to castiel. he would , every so often , glance at castiel at lunch. either seeing him reading a book or writing something in a note book.

castiel was looking in his notebook not paying attention who was with him in the hallway.

'this could probably be my chance to at least say hi to him right ?' and that's what he did.

"h- hi"


they just walked passed each other like no one had said anything. castiel didn't even look up. he felt his heart break a little.

'am i really that invisible that not even a person 5 inches away from me can't notice me ?'

he sped up his pace , pushing through the school doors and headed home.

"dad ? sammy ?" he called. walking into his home.

he sighed. knowing that his dad probably went on another 'business trip' out of town. and knowing sammy , his little but tall , brother is at the library studying.

he headed to his room throwing his backpack on the bed then taking out his homework . ignoring the pink flier that was stuffed in there.

the most beautiful thing ft. destiel .Where stories live. Discover now