He stood up and walked around the desk towards the examination bed and started to pull the curtains closed around it, “I just need you to slip your trousers and underwear to your knees and lie face-down on the bed. Try to relax as much as possible – this may be a little uncomfortable but it’ll only last a minute or so.”

Poor Mr Hughes looked like he was heading for the gallows.

Five minutes later, Harry followed a very red-faced Mr Hughes out to the reception, the latter grasping a prescription for a soothing cream and a box of Fibregel. Harry tried to keep a straight face at the man’s awkward gait but it was hard going. It served the man right; Harry was going to have to throw out the leftover cranberry sauce as soon as he got home after the sight he'd just witnessed. There were some associations one just couldn’t work past.

“Oh dear,” Louise giggled, as Mr Hughes sidled awkwardly out of the door, not even offering a 'goodbye' as he normally would. “I take it we’re not going to be seeing Mr Hughes again for a while?”

“No, I don’t think so,” Harry chuckled, filling up the kettle, “I think he’ll need at least a year to be able to look me in the eye again.” After flicking the kettle on to boil, he leant back against the counter. “How many more have I got left before we close up?”

“Four,” said Louise, after checking the register. “Then, after lunch, you have five quick home visits plus the sample van to sign for. Should be done by three.” She paused then smirked as she added slyly, “I’m sure Louis will be pleased to see you back early.”

Clang! As Harry fumbled and dropped the tea-caddy against the counter. He spun around in disbelief. “How on Earth do you know about Lou and me! We only made it official the other day!”

Louise laughed, a little mockingly, “Oh honey, everyone knows. Surely you’ve learned that there is no such thing as a secret around here by now?”

For a few moments Harry fish-gaped. Then he spluttered, “Everyone?!”

Her eyes glinted with way too much amusement, “Oh yeah, everyone. Even Mrs Hodges up on Beancross knows. We think it’s cute.”

“Cute?” Harry choked over the words.

“Yeah, it’s cute. You make a cute couple.” As Harry continued to stare at her with wide, disbelieving eyes, she rolled her own, “Oh come on Doc, you and Mr Tomlinson haven’t exactly been subtle. Aside from your little protective display a few nights ago in the Wheatsheaf, and that little kiss in your driveway that was witnessed by… uh…” she coughed unsubtly, “a few innocent parties happening to walk by, you’ve been mooning over each other since day one. We all knew it was going to happen; it was just a question of when. There was even a running bet. I lost a fiver because you couldn’t find your balls on Guy Fawkes Night. But you can make it up to me by proposing to him next New Year’s – I’ve got a tenner riding on that. Best not to let me lose again – I do make your tea after all, and I control the biscuits.” With that she picked up a stack of files and strolled out of the room. Harry just gaped after her, wondering if he ought to invest in some net curtains for his bedroom… just to make sure.


“Lou, I’m home!” Harry called out as he unwound his scarf from his neck and shrugged out of his duffle coat. Good god, he was cold. He rubbed his hands together and padded through to the living room. Louis wasn’t there. He carried on into the kitchen and stopped, breaking out into a ridiculous smile.

Louis was sat at the breakfast bar, reading glasses pushed up into his hair and his dreaded lesson plan folder open on the table in front of him. His chin was resting on one hand, a mug held loosely in the other and… he was fast asleep. Harry chuckled; Lou really hadn't been joking about the tediousness of making up lesson plans. 

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